teagan75 / Metamorphoses-2

Different Kind of Wasteland Pack
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Questions..about farming #11

Closed Ladysarajane closed 4 years ago

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Confused about industrial hemp seeds. Jenni's store has them at 1k for a plot of plants and they do not regrow. (kinda expensive especially when you get to having to make the sails. Do they grow in winter? There isn't a time for them to grow like harvest craft seeds, so I don't know if I can get in another batch grown before winter. Also the hemp seeds that come when you harvest them, Jei says they can be planted in agricraft crop sticks...I planted one to see and it planted, but it told me it couldn't grow 2020-06-02_15 37 04

Maybe a suggestion for a crafting recipe taking 9 hemp seeds and crafting them into a harvest festival hemp seed pack? From the hemp seeds I have now...(I only have 7 from harvesting 45 hemp) it would balance out and save a player some money. That 1k is quite expensive in the first year when you are trying to get animals and beginning structures.

Nevermind...I forgot to put torches down. (I was doing this late at night trying to plant)

Harvest festival has cut back on seeds. I hope they compensated on the recipes that the players give you in friendship.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

i am going to disable growing hemp seeds on cropsticks so it won't be incompatible with Harvest Festival. Also, I want to be consistent. I am pretty sure it was added to HF because of Farming Valley. I most certainly can add a way to convert 9 seeds to a HF hemp bag or I can reduce the cost - I think I can do that as well. I had no idea it was that costly. I can do both too.

Harvest festival has cut back on seeds. I hope they compensated on the recipes that the players give you in friendship.

The seed amount is the same. The difference is that the HF addon for harvestcraft is not ready yet.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

I am thinking I could change the hemp seed to 150 like wheat

Edit: also on the seed bag it says it can be grown in spring, summer and autumn

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

The conversion of 9 hemp seeds to a bag of seeds would be good..or they could add them to the compost pile. Yeah they are real expensive right now. I finally did see , when the seeds can be grown..but it doesn't say how many days it takes like the wheat (28 days) or spinach(6 days). I'm half way into autumn and I had been buying and planting some of them, but since they were expensive, I tried to concentrate on other crops for money.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Yeah that is too expensive for sure. I am doing a lot of config and script work today lol

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Quick question...I know that the goddess says she can respawn yuliff if he dies. What about Jade? She is MIA. I've searched all buildings and area, and I cannot find her.

Oh for laughs...minecolonies bug 2020-06-02_16 58 56 My guard decided to patrol lying down. To fix it, I just recalled him to the tower. I love that the colonists lay in beds and snore. Seeing the zzz's is funny.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

lol I know they sleep on the job a lot!

Quick question...I know that the goddess says she can respawn yuliff if he dies. What about Jade? She is MIA. I've searched all buildings and area, and I cannot find her.

I was pretty sure all the npcs will respawn

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Thats good, she has been missing forat least 8 in game days. Too bad there isn't a recall command like in minecolonies. She might not respawn until seasons change or a festival.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

have you used the command /hf npclist to see if she is around?

Edit: you can also get her spawn "egg" out of creative

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Seems like Jim is missing too for me. I'm going put in back up and see if the are missing then. Neither Jim or jade was in the list.

Edit: Maybe a bug with the Harvest festival. My backup went to that day, and I couldn't find either of them. Didn't realize Jim was missing then either. Played to the next day and both were still missing so I spawned them in.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

The mod is not letting me change the price of hemp seeds but I have added a seeds to HF bag recipe

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

The mod is not letting me change the price of hemp seeds but I have added a seeds to HF bag recipe

That is unfortunate that you can't change the price. But making bags of seeds might help defray the cost.

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Quick thought, probably can't but could you change quantity given?

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Even though there is script support to change existing items in the stores, it won't change anything. I will be reporting it to the mod dev because he said scripts from 1.10 should be supported.

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Yeah....the last he updated was April 29....but he hasn't been on the site since.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

That doesn't necessarily mean he isn't working on things. Noppes(custom npcs) rarely responds to issues but he fixes them 😛

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Yeah...I was stating that he had been actively working in the last 6months on it...it is after 6months of no activity I start to worry. Sorry, I may not state things properly today...Not feeling too well.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Sorry you aren't feeling well today :(

ok, the hemp seed to HF seed bag recipe has been added to v0.5_beta