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Blacksmith will not give repaired tool back #24

Open DodgerWoman26 opened 5 years ago

DodgerWoman26 commented 5 years ago

I gave him a tool to repair and he said 119 days until it is repaired. I had it down to 40 more days when my year restarted it jumped back up to 119 days again. Was hoping when a new year restarted he would reset, no such luck lol

Ladysarajane commented 5 years ago

When did you give him the tool? Was it in Autumn? I had that happened, but I gave it to him close to the New Year's and when the New Year came and went...my tool was like 363 days until I could get it. I had to use a backup for a time prior to me giving it to him. I just thought it was the New Year that messed him up. Maybe it is another bug with Harvest Festival.

teagan75 commented 5 years ago

I thought I put a warning in the quest book about giving the Blacksmith a tool at the end of the year. Is that not so? When did you give him the tool the first time? This could be a pretty game breaking bug D:

Ladysarajane commented 5 years ago

You did put the warning in the quest book, I just confirmed it again...it does give the warning about that. DodgerWoman26 does sound like she gave it to him way earlier in the year and never got it back, and the yr reset the timer again.

DodgerWoman26 commented 5 years ago

I can't remember when I gave it to him-to be honest- but it was earlier in the year for sure- was busy planting and doing other things and kind of forgot about it lol. Then when I remembered it was down to like 16 days so I was just going to wait. But then the new year reset it so.... I tried tearing down his building and rebuilding. Unfortunately that did not work and it's been so long I wouldn't even know if I even have a back up before he was broken at this point :( I have just been throwing away my tools that are 100 percent and giving myself another tool at this point. But I figured you might want to know about the issue.

Ladysarajane commented 5 years ago

I think that this bug may be related to festivals with the biggest one at New Years. My theory is that if you give a tool to the blacksmith before a festival, and don't pick it up before a festival, it messes the timing up for the blacksmith, since they don't consider festival workdays. As I did have the big bug at New Years, I am thinking that DodgerWoman26 accidentally gave him a tool a day before a different festival and the blacksmith must have hit himself silly with a hammer trying to rush to get the job done before a festival and forgot how to tell time. The next tool I have ready to upgrade I will wait for a festival and I will backup my game and test that theory.

DodgerWoman26 commented 5 years ago

Now that Ladysarajane mentions it- that does make sense. It was one of my earlier tools- I want to say my axe- and I remember having issues with the cow or chicken festival. That distracted me for a bit and by the time I remembered, he said 40 days or something outrageous so I just waited. Obviously it never fixed it's self lol.

Ladysarajane commented 5 years ago

The chicken festival has never worked for me. The Park gets set up like New Years, but no pens for the animals. The villagers take a holiday though. The Sheep festival has worked for me only once. Cow festival is the only one that works consistently for me. Although my cows never give the large milk afterwards like they should after winning, and my sheep after winning never gave large wool. My one chicken can't decide if it wants to stay a big chicken or a baby chicken. It grew up for about a season....and I went out to care for it one morning and a baby was in it's place. Oh, well. And the name tags...I named my animals and one chicken must not like it's name, cause it keeps losing it's tag....hmmm...It is the baby one at that. That chick was hatched from a large egg...I wonder if it glitched that animal.

teagan75 commented 5 years ago

Wow. I have never experienced all of these issues before lol. That mod is glitchier than I thought. Ah well. Hopefully some day that will change 😉

teagan75 commented 5 years ago

I will say I have never tried the chicken festival. The other two I have

Ladysarajane commented 5 years ago

I'm hoping too! The mod is a good ideal...I love it....just glitchy at this point. Yeah, I was hoping to get the large wool for my sheep for the festival to complete that one quest and my sheep won, but all I got was medium wool which I had been getting. :slightly_frowning_face: Had to wait a while for it, that was the second year, the first the sheep festival never set up properly, it set up as the New Years festival. I wonder if that is what is making the blacksmith glitchy? The baby chick doesn't bother me....she only gives me a small egg, so I use that in cooking. The other two chickens give me tons of eggs (they both give me 5 eggs a piece of various sizes) My one cow consistently gives me 5 milks...various sizes per day(one day large, next day small etc) ...the other cow gives me One milk of various sizes despite having all her hearts filled and filled with treats. Wool...my first sheep gives me consistently 5 medium wool...and one time the large wool...the next two sheep..the twinses (my sheep had twins) consistently give me small wool.

As I said it is glitchy but there are workarounds. Just need to avoid the blacksmith near festival times. What level is gold at in the mine? I can't seem to find it. That city quest line is giving me trouble. I am having trouble with the compression spell (not familiar with the mod).

DodgerWoman26 commented 5 years ago

Ladysarajane- I have had all the same issues lol. I have managed to win the chicken and cow one each but nether gives large returns as they should so I don't bother anymore. The chicken that keeps becoming a baby again is just funny, I have one of those too. I agree about the mod- such a great idea and I love playing around with it and minecolonies- such a shame it's never been fixed or updated. Btw I think I found gold at level 90 in mine ;)

Ladysarajane commented 5 years ago

I finally found the gold....I took a page out of Teagan's book and used waypoints to get further. Just so busy trying to keep the town running, with daily chores, I found it hard to keep going further in the mine. And I was using the elevators...so much easier now. I think that might be why they abandoned the mod. They couldn't figure out how to fix those pesky problems.

DodgerWoman26 commented 5 years ago

So interestingly I remembered my blacksmith problem and on the 30th day of winter BEFORE I clicked on my mailbox about the new years festival- I went and paid him a visit. I got my normal axe back!! Either I happened to get lucky- or perhaps there is a way to bypass the problem if you get unlucky like I did. After I got it back I accepted the new years festival from my mailbox and that also worked with no problem :) Yay!!!

teagan75 commented 5 years ago

What!??? Lol I am glad it worked. I will have to test that out in my dev world