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Quests not unlocking when quest requirements met #37

Open eplossl opened 4 years ago

eplossl commented 4 years ago

I am currently stuck on the Village page. I cannot seem to get the barn quest to open even though I have already completed the quest called "Glowing Dust" which it indicates is a prerequisite. This also seems to be true for the swineherder and the cow farm, even though I have completed the quest "summon creatures".

eplossl commented 4 years ago

Incidentally, I suspect that this issue may be somehow related to the other issue I submitted about not going ahead, since I am reluctant to build something or complete a task which isn't yet called for due to the repeated issues with quests failing to acknowledge that I have already done the needful before I can unlock them.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

The Glowing Dust quest has been fixed in the newest update. You have to reload the quest book using the quest in the first chapter or using the command /bq_admin default load

You could still have issues if you completed Glowing Dust before the update. If that is the case you need to go into edit mode and manually complete the other Glowing Dust quests that are hidden when not in edit mode.

Run the command /bq_admin edit and then go into the Village chapter. At the bottom left there is a Designer button. Click that and then select Manual Complete on the right. Click the Glowing Dust quests not completed yet.

eplossl commented 4 years ago

To be honest, I hadn't yet loaded the latest update since I use Multimc rather than twitch as my launcher and trying to update an existing setup in multimc is somewhat more complicated than is twitch (although, it's still a better user experience, if you ask me).

I've now loaded it and will go ahead and run the update command and let you know how it goes.