team-abnormals / blueprint

Library that implements the framework of all Abnormals mods
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Flower block property in PropertyUtil does not have correct xy offset. #185

Closed rosevcook closed 1 year ago

rosevcook commented 1 year ago

Mojang changed the XY offset, it needs to be specified within the block properties. The FLOWER block property in PropertyUtil needs to add this change. Modded flowers that use this property don't have the correct XY offset.

The FLOWER property is currently written as: public static final Block.Properties FLOWER = Block.Properties.of(Material.PLANT).noCollission().instabreak().sound(SoundType.GRASS);

It needs to be changed to: public static final Block.Properties FLOWER = Block.Properties.of(Material.PLANT).noCollission().instabreak().sound(SoundType.GRASS).offsetType(BlockBehaviour.OffsetType.XZ);