team-abnormals / blueprint

Library that implements the framework of all Abnormals mods
111 stars 34 forks source link

Blame Extra Info Report #88

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago


[HH:MM:SS] [Render thread/ERROR] []: 
****************** Blame Extra Info Report 1.9.2 ******************
   Ignore this unless item behavior aren't working with Dispensers. If Dispenser behavior
   is broken, check out "Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft`" lines for
   the item too as registry replacements might break dispenser behaviors as well.
  Dispenser Behavior overridden for minecraft:+++++
  New behavior: com.minecraftabnormals.abnormals_core.core.util.DataUtil$$Lambda$8065/774216788
  Old behavior: net.minecraft.dispenser.IDispenseItemBehavior$18
  Registration done at: 

Comment: instead of '+++++', the following items were affected: \<insert any color>_banner, flint_and_steel, water_bucket

bageldotjpg commented 3 years ago

These are not harmful, it also says Ignore this unless item behavior aren't working with Dispensers.