team-hack / react-components

Reusable React components library
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Research Popular Frameworks, Compare and Contrast #2

Open vijayxtreme opened 3 years ago

vijayxtreme commented 3 years ago

Would be good to look at some of the popular frameworks out there, such as:

It'd be great to just get a sense of "common" components and then see which frameworks do it well. It'd be great to do a compare and contrast of pros/cons for each framework in some kind of spreadsheet.

From there, we could try to use the framework we like best to mock and prototype with for building ours for fun. I'd also like to make use of CSS Grids and Flexbox as an extra bonus.

benjamminj commented 3 years ago

The Braid Design System is one of my all-time favorites, might be worth drawing some component inspiration from there too 🙃

They have a nice minimal set of components, and the component APIs are fantastic

airandfingers commented 3 years ago

Here's an old spreadsheet I put together way back in 2016 comparing a bunch of popular UI frameworks, Icon sets, and Component systems:

vijayxtreme commented 3 years ago

Adding - thanks for suggestion!