When requesting an OpenTable query, only the request message gets displayed and stored in the database. There is no message for the response.
In the backend, the following log is displayed:
Gramercy Tavern'
2016-12-12 20:00
['Gramercy Tavern']
got past the get_bot_message_call
in add_friend_message
got receiveruser
made friendship object
made friendmessage object
(<type 'exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError'>, 'models.py', 232)
got result back from adding griend message
"database error"
Something happend with error in the database.
When requesting an OpenTable query, only the request message gets displayed and stored in the database. There is no message for the response.
In the backend, the following log is displayed: opentable_aid ^^^^^^^^ Gramercy Tavern' 2016-12-12 20:00 5 $$$$$$$$$ ['Gramercy Tavern'] got past the get_bot_message_call in add_friend_message got receiveruser made friendship object made friendmessage object (<type 'exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError'>, 'models.py', 232) got result back from adding griend message "database error" Something happend with error in the database.