team-phoenix / Phoenix

A multi-system emulator and library manager designed to be both powerful and easy to use.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Increasing development #346

Open Leviathon2 opened 6 years ago

Leviathon2 commented 6 years ago

Since so many retro gamers have been dying for a program like openemu, which yours seems to be, why not raise some money through gofundme or kickstarter & hire developers/programmers to work on it. Once the final version is ready you could even charge for it as well and make a profit.

daviporciuncula commented 5 years ago

i'd pay to get 1.0

RinMaru commented 5 years ago

id pay aswel be better then using RA interface

Druage commented 5 years ago

Hey guys! This is Druage, one of the developers here, thanks for creating this issue and expressing your interest in helping the development of this app.

I agree with all of the things you are saying, there 100% needs to be an alternative to OpenEmu and and alternative to the UI of RetroArch (meaning to disrespect to those devs if they read this).

Life Update

In regards to what I have been doing instead of development on this, I have graduated college, got a full-time job and have been busy with making a web application (you can check my git history) and playing Starcraft 2.

Updates on Phoenix

Phoenix is still a passion project for me, I have used it constantly as a reference for job applications and well as a point of pride in me being able to teach myself programming. I would absolutely love to continue development on this application as long as there are users out there, I like this more than javascript development cause its boring CRUD app stuff.

In regards to the app, I have actually been still doing some work on it. I realized over the past year that the code me and athairus wrote was really really hard to maintain. I tried picking up the old code a few months ago but it was a no-go, it's honestly code written by two college kids who knew very little about modern development practices and I'm sure athairus would agree.

I had to drop this old code and write a new backend and frontend project that separates the app into two processes, the code is actually sitting on the Macbook Air right next to me, I haven't ever committed it to Github, so It does look like the project is dead when in fact I am just slowly chugging along.

Pay For Release

As for increasing the page of my development and working on it basically full-time, I'd really be willing to do this if there was a user base, like you guys, who were willing to pay for the app; I can't in good faith take someones money and not complete a version 1.0 of the app.

A Plan Forwards

So yeah If you guys are wanting me to increase development on this app, then I'd really be willing to, I'd just have to do things way differently this time. Back a few years ago, there were several people contributing to this app, some coders, and a designer.

...Right now it's really just me... Thankfully I do design work as well a development work at my job and so I could do it and I actually love to do both.

I would have to revise version 1.0 to not be a 100% feature clone of OpenEmu, which was what me and athairus were shooting for. I would have to do more incremental releases, instead of stockpiling them like we were before, and I would have to make a much simpler UI initially until the base features are working fantastically; I would have to do new UI designs that take these incremental versions in mind. The benefit of this though is that a release 1.0 will come out fairly quickly albeit with different features.

Soooooo, yeah, If you guys would like me to do development on this, I'd love to, I'd just need a new direction for the app. Any suggestions or advice on this?

Thank you for reaching out to me and expressing your interest!

(P.S. Sorry the length!)

DerianAndre commented 5 years ago

Hi all! I would like that too. A long time without being active in the project, I have been very busy working, I recently graduated and immediately started working and never had time because I work as a freelance and in a company. I would like to contribute again with UI Design maybe in my free time. I would love to talk again with you my beloved friends @Druage and @athairus.

I have gained much more experience and my design skills have improved enough. I wish it was possible to raise some money since I can not help as much as I would like in my free time. I only have literally weekends and I use them in other projects and to rest. I will be sending some models in the weekends tho.

Druage commented 5 years ago

Hey @DerianAndre really great to hear that you are doing well! I too have been really busy working and trying to increase my skills, mainly through web development.

If you're down to contribute some UI direction to the app again then that would be a fantastic thing. The good thing about my job is I do have a bit a freetime when I am off work that I use for other apps but I'd be willing to work instead and really make something cool.

I am not sure what you mean by recover the money, what do you mean?

DerianAndre commented 5 years ago

Hello @Druage I edited the comment since the autocorrector spoiled everything haha. Yes! I can contribute! As I said, only on weekends though atm.

Druage commented 5 years ago

Ahh no worries mate! :). I'll sync up with you soon, it's a little late here. I'll message you.