If you exposed AMQPService from the module I could listen to connectionClosed event and reconnect to another broker URI.
With current exports from the module, I can only consider to reload the NestJS module in runtime whenever connectionClose appears. It's an idea I do not specifically like :(
Any advice on how I could make the failover logic work with your module? :)
I'm in need of implementing the failover on the client side. In the other issue (#72 ) you mention it's not supported in rhea-as-promised. It is however supported in regular 'rhea': https://github.com/amqp/rhea/blob/main/examples/reconnect/client.js#L43
If you exposed AMQPService from the module I could listen to connectionClosed event and reconnect to another broker URI.
With current exports from the module, I can only consider to reload the NestJS module in runtime whenever connectionClose appears. It's an idea I do not specifically like :(
Any advice on how I could make the failover logic work with your module? :)
Best regards, Radek