fields (getting too much, thus samples)
lib blocks, renderer (core) - racheal is good to ask
block svg that live in workspace svg
input/field class
4 core blockly classes
also has machinery for serialization, XML, shifting to json
generating events, replaying events -> undo/redo
abstraction by moving out of core outto samples
plugins are not always "plugins" - related to core fields
enables maint.
layered architecture style, core and additional
changes to core shouldn't make samples
notion of public API via accessible from Blockly core object
generic blocks, different blocks
blocks & block svg, instance of one created
data properties with respect to type of block
has problem with typescript (eng problem), bags are properties are not classes. breaks existing block definition, high tech debt
backwards compact, keep code that is not very nice... - hacks has been added
starting point
events (can ignore until connections understood)
block class
NOTE from Chris:
remove as much as possible from blockly itself
fields (getting too much, thus samples) lib blocks, renderer (core) - racheal is good to ask block svg that live in workspace svg input/field class 4 core blockly classes
also has machinery for serialization, XML, shifting to json
generating events, replaying events -> undo/redo
abstraction by moving out of core outto samples
plugins are not always "plugins" - related to core fields
enables maint.
layered architecture style, core and additional
changes to core shouldn't make samples
notion of public API via accessible from Blockly core object
generic blocks, different blocks blocks & block svg, instance of one created data properties with respect to type of block has problem with typescript (eng problem), bags are properties are not classes. breaks existing block definition, high tech debt backwards compact, keep code that is not very nice... - hacks has been added starting point events (can ignore until connections understood) block class workspace inject.ts inputs/field