Mission to create a new Java class ConfigKeys to define all of the environment variables for configuring the application.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a new Java class ConfigKeys to define all of the environment variables for configuring the application. .
The day of the operation is October 26th, 2021
You will have 4 hours to complete your mission.
One of the project’s major goals is to establish https://cc.curriki.org as the global authoring and distribution hub and library for openly licensed, next generation, open educational resources (OER+) under the least restrictive Creative Commons license, CC-BY.
You will be joining a team of the boldest
of all Red Hatters for this mission, who will be at your service developing the code and automating the deployment to OpenShift.
Should you, or any of your force be taken or compromised that day, you must report back as many changes as you have made, and any knowledge of your actions, by pull request or comments on the issue on the board.
Mission to create a new Java class ConfigKeys to define all of the environment variables for configuring the application.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a new Java class ConfigKeys to define all of the environment variables for configuring the application. .
The day of the operation is October 26th, 2021
You will have 4 hours to complete your mission.
One of the project’s major goals is to establish https://cc.curriki.org as the global authoring and distribution hub and library for openly licensed, next generation, open educational resources (OER+) under the least restrictive Creative Commons license, CC-BY.
You will be joining a team of the boldest
of all Red Hatters for this mission, who will be at your service developing the code and automating the deployment to OpenShift.
How to get started:
Follow the instructions here to setup the project: https://github.com/team19hackathon2021/ActiveLearningStudio-API/tree/master/src
The details of your mission:
Create the CONFIG_PATH field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the CONFIG field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the CLUSTER_HOST_NAME field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the CLUSTER_PORT field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the CLUSTER_PUBLIC_HOST_NAME field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the CLUSTER_PUBLIC_PORT field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the HOSTNAME field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the OPENSHIFT_SERVICE field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the SITE_IDENTIFIER field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the APP_PATH field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the DOC_ROOT field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the COMPANY_NAME field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the DOMAIN_NAME field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the SITE_HOST_NAME field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the SITE_PORT field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the SITE_INSTANCES field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the API_COUNTER_RESUME field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the API_COUNTER_FETCH field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the API_CHECK_TIMER_MILLIS field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the AUTH_REALM field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the AUTH_RESOURCE field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the AUTH_SECRET field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the AUTH_SSL_REQUIRED field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the AUTH_ROLES_REQUIRED field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the AUTH_ROLES_READ_REQUIRED field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the AUTH_ROLES_ADMIN field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the SSL_PASSTHROUGH field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the SSL_JKS_PATH field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the SSL_JKS_PASSWORD field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the AUTH_PORT field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the AUTH_SSL field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the AUTH_TOKEN_URI field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the AUTH_HOST_NAME field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the AUTH_URL field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the SITE_BASE_URL field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the SITE_DISPLAY_NAME field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the JDBC_DRIVER_CLASS field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the JDBC_USERNAME field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the JDBC_PASSWORD field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the JDBC_MAX_POOL_SIZE field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the JDBC_MAX_WAIT_QUEUE_SIZE field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the JDBC_MIN_POOL_SIZE field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the JDBC_MAX_STATEMENTS field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the JDBC_MAX_STATEMENTS_PER_CONNECTION field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the JDBC_MAX_IDLE_TIME field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the JDBC_CONNECT_TIMEOUT field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the JDBC_HOST field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the JDBC_PORT field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the JDBC_DATABASE field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the SOLR_HOST_NAME field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the SOLR_PORT field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the SOLR_COLLECTION field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the SOLR_URL_COMPUTATE field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the ACCOUNT_EMAIL field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the ROLE_ADMIN field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the EMAIL_ADMIN field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the OPEN_API_VERSION field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the API_DESCRIPTION field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the API_TITLE field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the API_TERMS_SERVICE field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the API_VERSION field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the API_CONTACT_EMAIL field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the API_LICENSE_NAME field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the API_LICENSE_URL field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the API_HOST_NAME field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the API_BASE_PATH field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the STATIC_BASE_URL field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the STATIC_PATH field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the TEMPLATE_PATH field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the IMPORT_PATH field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the EMAIL_HOST field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the EMAIL_PORT field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the EMAIL_USERNAME field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the EMAIL_PASSWORD field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the EMAIL_FROM field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the EMAIL_AUTH field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the EMAIL_SSL field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the SITE_ZONE field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the SITE_LOCALE field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the TIMER_DB_SOLR_SYNC_IN_SECONDS field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the ENABLE_DB_SOLR_SYNC field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the ENABLE_REFRESH_DATA field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the ENABLE_IMPORT_DATA field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the WORKER_POOL_SIZE field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the VERTX_WARNING_EXCEPTION_SECONDS field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the ZOOKEEPER_HOST_NAME field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the ZOOKEEPER_PORT field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the ZOOKEEPER_HOSTS field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the SOLR_WORKER_COMMIT_WITHIN_MILLIS field inside the ConfigKeys class
Create the VERTX_WORKER_SEND_TIMEOUT_MILLIS field inside the ConfigKeys class
This message will not self destruct, because this project is open source.