team19hackathon2021 / issues-curriki

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to create a generated Java class that can be extended and override these methods to serve as the base persistent object for primary key, created and modified dates and other useful base model data. #25

Closed computate closed 2 years ago

computate commented 3 years ago

Mission to create a generated Java class that can be extended and override these methods to serve as the base persistent object for primary key, created and modified dates and other useful base model data.


Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a generated Java class that can be extended and override these methods to serve as the base persistent object for primary key, created and modified dates and other useful base model data. .

The day of the operation is October 26th, 2021

You will have 4 hours to complete your mission.

One of the project’s major goals is to establish as the global authoring and distribution hub and library for openly licensed, next generation, open educational resources (OER+) under the least restrictive Creative Commons license, CC-BY.

You will be joining a team of the boldest

of all Red Hatters for this mission, who will be at your service developing the code and automating the deployment to OpenShift.

How to get started:

Follow the instructions here to setup the project:

The details of your mission:

package org.curriki.api.enus.base;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.curriki.api.enus.base.BaseModel;
import java.util.Date;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import java.lang.Long;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.math.MathContext;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat;
import java.time.Instant;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.List;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.util.ClientUtils;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.ToStringSerializer;
import org.curriki.api.enus.request.api.ApiRequest;
import org.curriki.api.enus.writer.AllWriter;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.curriki.api.enus.request.SiteRequestEnUS;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.curriki.api.enus.wrap.Wrap;
import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import java.lang.Boolean;
import java.lang.String;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import io.vertx.core.Promise;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse;
import org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude.Include;
import org.curriki.api.enus.config.ConfigKeys;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import java.lang.Object;


public abstract class BaseModelGen<DEV> {

Create the staticSolrStrPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrPk(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Object o) {
        return null;

Create the staticSolrStrInheritPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrInheritPk(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Object o) {
        return null;

Create the staticSolrStrId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrId(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Object o) {
        return null;

Create the staticSolrStrCreated method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrCreated(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Object o) {
        return null;

Create the staticSolrStrModified method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrModified(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Object o) {
        return null;

Create the staticSolrStrArchived method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrArchived(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Object o) {
        return null;

Create the staticSolrStrDeleted method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrDeleted(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Object o) {
        return null;

Create the staticSolrStrClassCanonicalName method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrClassCanonicalName(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Object o) {
        return null;

Create the staticSolrStrClassSimpleName method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrClassSimpleName(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Object o) {
        return null;

Create the staticSolrStrSessionId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrSessionId(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Object o) {
        return null;

Create the staticSolrStrUserId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrUserId(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Object o) {
        return null;

Create the staticSolrStrUserKey method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrUserKey(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Object o) {
        return null;

Create the staticSolrSaves method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static Object staticSolrSaves(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, List<String> o) {
        return null;

Create the staticSolrStrSaves method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrSaves(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Object o) {
        return null;

Create the staticSolrStrObjectTitle method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrObjectTitle(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Object o) {
        return null;

Create the staticSolrStrObjectId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrObjectId(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Object o) {
        return null;

Create the staticSolrStrObjectNameVar method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrObjectNameVar(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Object o) {
        return null;

Create the staticSolrStrObjectSuggest method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrObjectSuggest(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Object o) {
        return null;

Create the staticSolrStrObjectText method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrObjectText(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Object o) {
        return null;

Create the siteRequest_Wrap field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Wrap<SiteRequestEnUS> siteRequest_Wrap = new Wrap<SiteRequestEnUS>().var("siteRequest_").o(siteRequest_);

Create the pkWrap field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Wrap<Long> pkWrap = new Wrap<Long>().var("pk").o(pk);

Create the solrPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Long solrPk() {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrPk(siteRequest_, pk);

Create the strPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String strPk() {
        return pk == null ? "" : pk.toString();

Create the sqlPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Long sqlPk() {
        return pk;

Create the jsonPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String jsonPk() {
        return pk == null ? "" : pk.toString();

Create the inheritPkWrap field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Wrap<String> inheritPkWrap = new Wrap<String>().var("inheritPk").o(inheritPk);

Create the solrInheritPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String solrInheritPk() {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrInheritPk(siteRequest_, inheritPk);

Create the strInheritPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String strInheritPk() {
        return inheritPk == null ? "" : inheritPk;

Create the jsonInheritPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String jsonInheritPk() {
        return inheritPk == null ? "" : inheritPk;

Create the idWrap field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Wrap<String> idWrap = new Wrap<String>().var("id").o(id);

Create the solrId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String solrId() {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrId(siteRequest_, id);

Create the strId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String strId() {
        return id == null ? "" : id;

Create the sqlId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String sqlId() {
        return id;

Create the jsonId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String jsonId() {
        return id == null ? "" : id;

Create the createdWrap field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Wrap<ZonedDateTime> createdWrap = new Wrap<ZonedDateTime>().var("created").o(created);

Create the solrCreated method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Date solrCreated() {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrCreated(siteRequest_, created);

Create the strCreated method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String strCreated() {
        return created == null ? "" : created.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("EEE d MMM yyyy H:mm:ss a zz", Locale.forLanguageTag("en-US")));

Create the jsonCreated method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String jsonCreated() {
        return created == null ? "" : created.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME);

Create the modifiedWrap field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Wrap<ZonedDateTime> modifiedWrap = new Wrap<ZonedDateTime>().var("modified").o(modified);

Create the solrModified method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Date solrModified() {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrModified(siteRequest_, modified);

Create the strModified method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String strModified() {
        return modified == null ? "" : modified.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("EEE d MMM yyyy H:mm:ss a zz", Locale.forLanguageTag("en-US")));

Create the sqlModified method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public OffsetDateTime sqlModified() {
        return modified == null ? null : modified.toOffsetDateTime();

Create the jsonModified method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String jsonModified() {
        return modified == null ? "" : modified.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME);

Create the archivedWrap field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Wrap<Boolean> archivedWrap = new Wrap<Boolean>().var("archived").o(archived);

Create the solrArchived method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Boolean solrArchived() {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrArchived(siteRequest_, archived);

Create the strArchived method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String strArchived() {
        return archived == null ? "" : archived.toString();

Create the jsonArchived method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String jsonArchived() {
        return archived == null ? "" : archived.toString();

Create the deletedWrap field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Wrap<Boolean> deletedWrap = new Wrap<Boolean>().var("deleted").o(deleted);

Create the solrDeleted method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Boolean solrDeleted() {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrDeleted(siteRequest_, deleted);

Create the strDeleted method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String strDeleted() {
        return deleted == null ? "" : deleted.toString();

Create the jsonDeleted method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String jsonDeleted() {
        return deleted == null ? "" : deleted.toString();

Create the classCanonicalNameWrap field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Wrap<String> classCanonicalNameWrap = new Wrap<String>().var("classCanonicalName").o(classCanonicalName);

Create the solrClassCanonicalName method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String solrClassCanonicalName() {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrClassCanonicalName(siteRequest_, classCanonicalName);

Create the strClassCanonicalName method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String strClassCanonicalName() {
        return classCanonicalName == null ? "" : classCanonicalName;

Create the sqlClassCanonicalName method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String sqlClassCanonicalName() {
        return classCanonicalName;

Create the jsonClassCanonicalName method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String jsonClassCanonicalName() {
        return classCanonicalName == null ? "" : classCanonicalName;

Create the classSimpleNameWrap field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Wrap<String> classSimpleNameWrap = new Wrap<String>().var("classSimpleName").o(classSimpleName);

Create the solrClassSimpleName method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String solrClassSimpleName() {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrClassSimpleName(siteRequest_, classSimpleName);

Create the strClassSimpleName method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String strClassSimpleName() {
        return classSimpleName == null ? "" : classSimpleName;

Create the sqlClassSimpleName method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String sqlClassSimpleName() {
        return classSimpleName;

Create the jsonClassSimpleName method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String jsonClassSimpleName() {
        return classSimpleName == null ? "" : classSimpleName;

Create the sessionIdWrap field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Wrap<String> sessionIdWrap = new Wrap<String>().var("sessionId").o(sessionId);

Create the solrSessionId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String solrSessionId() {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrSessionId(siteRequest_, sessionId);

Create the strSessionId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String strSessionId() {
        return sessionId == null ? "" : sessionId;

Create the jsonSessionId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String jsonSessionId() {
        return sessionId == null ? "" : sessionId;

Create the userId field inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected String userId;

Create the userIdWrap field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Wrap<String> userIdWrap = new Wrap<String>().var("userId").o(userId);

Create the _userId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected abstract void _userId(Wrap<String> c) {}

Create the getUserId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String getUserId() {
        return userId;

Create the setUserId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public void setUserId(String o) {
        this.userId = BaseModel.staticSetUserId(siteRequest_, o);
        this.userIdWrap.alreadyInitialized = true;

Create the staticSetUserId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSetUserId(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        return o;

Create the userIdInit method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected BaseModel userIdInit() {
        if(!userIdWrap.alreadyInitialized) {
            if(userId == null)
        return (BaseModel)this;

Create the staticSolrUserId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrUserId(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        return o;

Create the staticSolrStrUserId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrUserId(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        return o == null ? null : o.toString();

Create the staticSolrFqUserId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrFqUserId(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrStrUserId(siteRequest_, BaseModel.staticSolrUserId(siteRequest_, BaseModel.staticSetUserId(siteRequest_, o)));

Create the solrUserId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String solrUserId() {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrUserId(siteRequest_, userId);

Create the strUserId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String strUserId() {
        return userId == null ? "" : userId;

Create the sqlUserId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String sqlUserId() {
        return userId;

Create the jsonUserId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String jsonUserId() {
        return userId == null ? "" : userId;

Create the userKeyWrap field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Wrap<Long> userKeyWrap = new Wrap<Long>().var("userKey").o(userKey);

Create the solrUserKey method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Long solrUserKey() {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrUserKey(siteRequest_, userKey);

Create the strUserKey method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String strUserKey() {
        return userKey == null ? "" : userKey.toString();

Create the jsonUserKey method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String jsonUserKey() {
        return userKey == null ? "" : userKey.toString();

Create the savesWrap field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Wrap<List<String>> savesWrap = new Wrap<List<String>>().var("saves").o(saves);

Create the solrSaves method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public List<String> solrSaves() {
        List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>();
        for(String o : saves) {
            l.add(BaseModel.staticSolrSaves(siteRequest_, o));
        return l;

Create the strSaves method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String strSaves() {
        return saves == null ? "" : saves.toString();

Create the sqlSaves method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public List<String> sqlSaves() {
        return saves;

Create the jsonSaves method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String jsonSaves() {
        return saves == null ? "" : saves.toString();

Create the objectTitleWrap field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Wrap<String> objectTitleWrap = new Wrap<String>().var("objectTitle").o(objectTitle);

Create the solrObjectTitle method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String solrObjectTitle() {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrObjectTitle(siteRequest_, objectTitle);

Create the strObjectTitle method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String strObjectTitle() {
        return objectTitle == null ? "" : objectTitle;

Create the sqlObjectTitle method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String sqlObjectTitle() {
        return objectTitle;

Create the jsonObjectTitle method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String jsonObjectTitle() {
        return objectTitle == null ? "" : objectTitle;

Create the objectIdWrap field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Wrap<String> objectIdWrap = new Wrap<String>().var("objectId").o(objectId);

Create the solrObjectId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String solrObjectId() {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrObjectId(siteRequest_, objectId);

Create the strObjectId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String strObjectId() {
        return objectId == null ? "" : objectId;

Create the sqlObjectId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String sqlObjectId() {
        return objectId;

Create the jsonObjectId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String jsonObjectId() {
        return objectId == null ? "" : objectId;

Create the objectNameVarWrap field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Wrap<String> objectNameVarWrap = new Wrap<String>().var("objectNameVar").o(objectNameVar);

Create the solrObjectNameVar method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String solrObjectNameVar() {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrObjectNameVar(siteRequest_, objectNameVar);

Create the strObjectNameVar method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String strObjectNameVar() {
        return objectNameVar == null ? "" : objectNameVar;

Create the sqlObjectNameVar method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String sqlObjectNameVar() {
        return objectNameVar;

Create the jsonObjectNameVar method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String jsonObjectNameVar() {
        return objectNameVar == null ? "" : objectNameVar;

Create the objectSuggestWrap field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Wrap<String> objectSuggestWrap = new Wrap<String>().var("objectSuggest").o(objectSuggest);

Create the solrObjectSuggest method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String solrObjectSuggest() {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrObjectSuggest(siteRequest_, objectSuggest);

Create the strObjectSuggest method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String strObjectSuggest() {
        return objectSuggest == null ? "" : objectSuggest;

Create the sqlObjectSuggest method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String sqlObjectSuggest() {
        return objectSuggest;

Create the jsonObjectSuggest method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String jsonObjectSuggest() {
        return objectSuggest == null ? "" : objectSuggest;

Create the objectTextWrap field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Wrap<String> objectTextWrap = new Wrap<String>().var("objectText").o(objectText);

Create the solrObjectText method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String solrObjectText() {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrObjectText(siteRequest_, objectText);

Create the strObjectText method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String strObjectText() {
        return objectText == null ? "" : objectText;

Create the sqlObjectText method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String sqlObjectText() {
        return objectText;

Create the jsonObjectText method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String jsonObjectText() {
        return objectText == null ? "" : objectText;

Create the alreadyInitializedBaseModel field inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected boolean alreadyInitializedBaseModel = false;

Create the attributeForClass method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public boolean attributeForClass(String var, Object val) {
        String[] vars = StringUtils.split(var, ".");
        Object o = null;
        for(String v : vars) {
            if(o == null)
                o = attributeBaseModel(v, val);
            else if(o instanceof BaseModel) {
                BaseModel baseModel = (BaseModel)o;
                o = baseModel.attributeForClass(v, val);
        return o != null;

Create the attributeBaseModel method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Object attributeBaseModel(String var, Object val) {
        BaseModel oBaseModel = (BaseModel)this;
        switch(var) {
                return null;

Create the defineForClass method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public boolean defineForClass(String var, String val) {
        String[] vars = StringUtils.split(var, ".");
        Object o = null;
        if(val != null) {
            for(String v : vars) {
                if(o == null)
                    o = defineBaseModel(v, val);
                else if(o instanceof BaseModel) {
                    BaseModel oBaseModel = (BaseModel)o;
                    o = oBaseModel.defineForClass(v, val);
        return o != null;

Create the defineBaseModel method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Object defineBaseModel(String var, String val) {
        switch(var.toLowerCase()) {
            case "inheritpk":
                if(val != null)
                return val;
            case "created":
                if(val != null)
                return val;
            case "archived":
                if(val != null)
                return val;
            case "deleted":
                if(val != null)
                return val;
            case "userid":
                if(val != null)
                return val;
            case "userkey":
                if(val != null)
                return val;
                return null;

Create the hashCode method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(pk, inheritPk, id, created, modified, archived, deleted, classCanonicalName, classSimpleName, sessionId, userId, userKey, saves, objectTitle, objectId, objectSuggest, objectText);

Create the equals method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if(this == o)
            return true;
        if(!(o instanceof BaseModel))
            return false;
        BaseModel that = (BaseModel)o;
        return Objects.equals( pk, )
                && Objects.equals( inheritPk, that.inheritPk )
                && Objects.equals( id, )
                && Objects.equals( created, that.created )
                && Objects.equals( modified, that.modified )
                && Objects.equals( archived, that.archived )
                && Objects.equals( deleted, that.deleted )
                && Objects.equals( classCanonicalName, that.classCanonicalName )
                && Objects.equals( classSimpleName, that.classSimpleName )
                && Objects.equals( sessionId, that.sessionId )
                && Objects.equals( userId, that.userId )
                && Objects.equals( userKey, that.userKey )
                && Objects.equals( saves, that.saves )
                && Objects.equals( objectTitle, that.objectTitle )
                && Objects.equals( objectId, that.objectId )
                && Objects.equals( objectSuggest, that.objectSuggest )
                && Objects.equals( objectText, that.objectText );

Create the VAR_userId field inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static final String VAR_userId = "userId";

Create the _sessionId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected abstract void _sessionId(Wrap<String> c) {}

Create the _objectId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected abstract void _objectId(Wrap<String> c) {}

Create the _objectNameVar method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected abstract void _objectNameVar(Wrap<String> c) {}

Create the _objectSuggest method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected abstract void _objectSuggest(Wrap<String> c) {}

Create the _objectText method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected abstract void _objectText(Wrap<String> c) {}

Create the getArchived method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Boolean getArchived() {
        return archived;

Create the setArchived method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public void setArchived(Boolean archived) {
        this.archived = archived;

Create the setArchived method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public void setArchived(String o) {
        this.archived = BaseModel.staticSetArchived(siteRequest_, o);

Create the staticSetArchived method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static Boolean staticSetArchived(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        return Boolean.parseBoolean(o);

Create the archivedInit method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected BaseModel archivedInit() {
        Wrap<Boolean> archivedWrap = new Wrap<Boolean>().var("archived");
        if(archived == null) {
        return (BaseModel)this;

Create the staticSolrArchived method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static Boolean staticSolrArchived(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Boolean o) {
        return o;

Create the staticSolrStrArchived method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrArchived(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Boolean o) {
        return o == null ? null : o.toString();

Create the staticSolrFqArchived method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrFqArchived(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrStrArchived(siteRequest_, BaseModel.staticSolrArchived(siteRequest_, BaseModel.staticSetArchived(siteRequest_, o)));

Create the sqlArchived method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Boolean sqlArchived() {
        return archived;

Create the deleted field inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected Boolean deleted;

Create the _deleted method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected abstract void _deleted(Wrap<Boolean> w) {}

Create the getDeleted method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Boolean getDeleted() {
        return deleted;

Create the setDeleted method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public void setDeleted(Boolean deleted) {
        this.deleted = deleted;

Create the setDeleted method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public void setDeleted(String o) {
        this.deleted = BaseModel.staticSetDeleted(siteRequest_, o);

Create the staticSetDeleted method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static Boolean staticSetDeleted(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        return Boolean.parseBoolean(o);

Create the deletedInit method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected BaseModel deletedInit() {
        Wrap<Boolean> deletedWrap = new Wrap<Boolean>().var("deleted");
        if(deleted == null) {
        return (BaseModel)this;

Create the _inheritPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected abstract void _inheritPk(Wrap<String> w) {}

Create the getInheritPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String getInheritPk() {
        return inheritPk;

Create the setInheritPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public void setInheritPk(String o) {
        this.inheritPk = BaseModel.staticSetInheritPk(siteRequest_, o);

Create the staticSetInheritPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSetInheritPk(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        return o;

Create the inheritPkInit method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected BaseModel inheritPkInit() {
        Wrap<String> inheritPkWrap = new Wrap<String>().var("inheritPk");
        if(inheritPk == null) {
        return (BaseModel)this;

Create the staticSolrInheritPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrInheritPk(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        return o;

Create the staticSolrStrInheritPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrInheritPk(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        return o == null ? null : o.toString();

Create the staticSolrFqInheritPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrFqInheritPk(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrStrInheritPk(siteRequest_, BaseModel.staticSolrInheritPk(siteRequest_, BaseModel.staticSetInheritPk(siteRequest_, o)));

Create the sqlInheritPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String sqlInheritPk() {
        return inheritPk;

Create the id field inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected String id;

Create the _id method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected abstract void _id(Wrap<String> w) {}

Create the getId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public String getId() {
        return id;

Create the setId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public void setId(String o) { = BaseModel.staticSetId(siteRequest_, o);

Create the staticSetId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSetId(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        return o;

Create the idInit method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected BaseModel idInit() {
        Wrap<String> idWrap = new Wrap<String>().var("id");
        if(id == null) {
        return (BaseModel)this;

Create the staticSolrId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrId(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        return o;

Create the staticSolrStrId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrId(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        return o == null ? null : o.toString();

Create the staticSolrFqId method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrFqId(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrStrId(siteRequest_, BaseModel.staticSolrId(siteRequest_, BaseModel.staticSetId(siteRequest_, o)));

Create the created field inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected ZonedDateTime created;

Create the _created method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected abstract void _created(Wrap<ZonedDateTime> w) {}

Create the getCreated method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public ZonedDateTime getCreated() {
        return created;

Create the setCreated method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public void setCreated(ZonedDateTime created) {
        this.created = created;

Create the setCreated method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public void setCreated(Instant o) {
        this.created = o == null ? null : ZonedDateTime.from(o).truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.MILLIS);

Create the setCreated method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public void setCreated(String o) {
        this.created = BaseModel.staticSetCreated(siteRequest_, o);

Create the staticSetCreated method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static ZonedDateTime staticSetCreated(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        if(StringUtils.endsWith(o, "Z"))
            return o == null ? null : Instant.parse(o).atZone(ZoneId.of(siteRequest_.getConfig().getString(ConfigKeys.SITE_ZONE))).truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.MILLIS);
            return o == null ? null : ZonedDateTime.parse(o, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME).truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.MILLIS);

Create the setCreated method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public void setCreated(Date o) {
        this.created = o == null ? null : ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(o.toInstant(), ZoneId.of(siteRequest_.getConfig().getString(ConfigKeys.SITE_ZONE))).truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.MILLIS);

Create the createdInit method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected BaseModel createdInit() {
        Wrap<ZonedDateTime> createdWrap = new Wrap<ZonedDateTime>().var("created");
        if(created == null) {
        return (BaseModel)this;

Create the staticSolrCreated method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static Date staticSolrCreated(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, ZonedDateTime o) {
        return o == null ? null : Date.from(o.toInstant());

Create the staticSolrStrCreated method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrCreated(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Date o) {
        return "\"" + DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME.format(o.toInstant().atOffset(ZoneOffset.UTC)) + "\"";

Create the staticSolrFqCreated method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrFqCreated(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrStrCreated(siteRequest_, BaseModel.staticSolrCreated(siteRequest_, BaseModel.staticSetCreated(siteRequest_, o)));

Create the sqlCreated method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public OffsetDateTime sqlCreated() {
        return created == null ? null : created.toOffsetDateTime();

Create the modified field inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected ZonedDateTime modified;

Create the _modified method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected abstract void _modified(Wrap<ZonedDateTime> w) {}

Create the getModified method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public ZonedDateTime getModified() {
        return modified;

Create the setModified method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public void setModified(ZonedDateTime modified) {
        this.modified = modified;

Create the setModified method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public void setModified(Instant o) {
        this.modified = o == null ? null : ZonedDateTime.from(o).truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.MILLIS);

Create the setModified method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public void setModified(String o) {
        this.modified = BaseModel.staticSetModified(siteRequest_, o);

Create the staticSetModified method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static ZonedDateTime staticSetModified(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        if(StringUtils.endsWith(o, "Z"))
            return o == null ? null : Instant.parse(o).atZone(ZoneId.of(siteRequest_.getConfig().getString(ConfigKeys.SITE_ZONE))).truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.MILLIS);
            return o == null ? null : ZonedDateTime.parse(o, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME).truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.MILLIS);

Create the setModified method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public void setModified(Date o) {
        this.modified = o == null ? null : ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(o.toInstant(), ZoneId.of(siteRequest_.getConfig().getString(ConfigKeys.SITE_ZONE))).truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.MILLIS);

Create the modifiedInit method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected BaseModel modifiedInit() {
        Wrap<ZonedDateTime> modifiedWrap = new Wrap<ZonedDateTime>().var("modified");
        if(modified == null) {
        return (BaseModel)this;

Create the staticSolrModified method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static Date staticSolrModified(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, ZonedDateTime o) {
        return o == null ? null : Date.from(o.toInstant());

Create the staticSolrStrModified method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrStrModified(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, Date o) {
        return "\"" + DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME.format(o.toInstant().atOffset(ZoneOffset.UTC)) + "\"";

Create the staticSolrFqModified method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static String staticSolrFqModified(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        return BaseModel.staticSolrStrModified(siteRequest_, BaseModel.staticSolrModified(siteRequest_, BaseModel.staticSetModified(siteRequest_, o)));

Create the archived field inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected Boolean archived;

Create the _archived method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected abstract void _archived(Wrap<Boolean> w) {}

Create the LOG field inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaseModel.class);

Create the siteRequest_ field inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_;

Create the siteRequest method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected abstract void _siteRequest_(Wrap<SiteRequestEnUS> w) {}

Create the getSiteRequest_ method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public SiteRequestEnUS getSiteRequest_() {
        return siteRequest_;

Create the setSiteRequest_ method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public void setSiteRequest_(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_) {
        this.siteRequest_ = siteRequest_;

Create the staticSetSiteRequest_ method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static SiteRequestEnUS staticSetSiteRequest_(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
        return null;

Create the siteRequest_Init method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected BaseModel siteRequest_Init() {
        Wrap<SiteRequestEnUS> siteRequest_Wrap = new Wrap<SiteRequestEnUS>().var("siteRequest_");
        if(siteRequest_ == null) {
        return (BaseModel)this;

Create the pk field inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected Long pk;

Create the _pk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    protected abstract void _pk(Wrap<Long> w) {}

Create the getPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public Long getPk() {
        return pk;

Create the setPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public void setPk(Long pk) { = pk;

Create the setPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public void setPk(String o) { = BaseModel.staticSetPk(siteRequest_, o);

Create the staticSetPk method inside the BaseModelGen class

    public static Long staticSetPk(SiteRequestEnUS siteRequest_, String o) {
            return Long.parseLong(o);
        return null;

This message will not self-destruct.

This message will not self destruct, because this project is open source.