teamatldocker / confluence

Dockerized Atlassian Confluence
MIT License
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question for account : password of default user "confluence" and "root" #10

Closed av930 closed 7 years ago

av930 commented 7 years ago

1st try: run, it fails in sub scripts, in result, I think it needs permission "su -" 2nd try: su fails, the error pops up "must be suid to work properly", when trying to change account and similar jobs, I think this is from busybox configuration. 3rd try: try to something more, but need root permission...

I'd like to know password of default user "confluence" and "root".

blacklabelops commented 7 years ago

This is a Dockerized Confluence image.

You start one container with docker run ...

You stop the container with docker stop ...

You start the container again with docker start ...

There is no need to call the start and stop scripts.

If you want to enter container as root docker exec -it -u root <containername> bash

av930 commented 7 years ago

Ok I got it. There are some mis-understanding in how docker container works. I thought docker container become frozen when I run "docker stop" and visa versa.

av930 commented 7 years ago

In advance, I am thankful for your work on this confluence image. Currently I add my modification, confluence settings and put some contents, and add some utilities. Today I am trying to upgrade the confluence to version 6.1.1 from 6.0.4 by following this guide:

doing this, I cannot stop the confluence process (/opt/java/jre1.8.0_92/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/opt/atlassian/confluence/c~) How can I stop the process in the container? if I manually kill it, the container automatically be killed. I think you don't expect and intend this kind of usage do like this...

The reason why I am doing this is there are some exception log and stopped frequently whenever I restart the container. therefore I decided to upgrade it by myself.

question summary Q1: how can I stop confluence process without exiting container? Q2: Is there any recommendable upgrade-methodology the existing container?

blacklabelops commented 7 years ago

Hello av! The update mechanism for this image is as follows: Upgrade directly to the latest version of Confluence 6.

You can do this with the following steps:

MOST IMPORTANT: Make a backup of all your Docker volumes (E.g. with blacklabelops/volumerize and don't forget your database!!


  1. Pull the latest image tag: docker pull blacklabelops/confluence:your-wanted-version
  2. Stop your current container: docker stop your-running-container-name
  3. Remove the current container: docker rm your-running-container-name
  4. Now start the container with the same command but with the new tagged image: docker run blacklabelops/confluence:your-wanted-version
  5. Confluence will start it's internal update mechanism and work as expected

Worst case: Update breaks or you can't use confluence because the latest version isn't working with some legacy plugins you installed. In this case: Rollback with backup!

av930 commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot for your recent 6.1.2 push. I will try with it.