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wget TLS error to github #141

Closed DaniDD closed 4 years ago

DaniDD commented 4 years ago

cant build, it shows an TLS error

DaniDD commented 4 years ago

apk update && apk upgrade solve this issue

jhult commented 4 years ago

The full error was this:

Connecting to (
ssl_client: TLS connect failed
wget: error getting response: Connection reset by peer

The fix is adding this (before using wget):

apk add --update --no-cache --upgrade ssl_client ca-certificates-bundle
rbokhorst commented 4 years ago

I now get the following error with docker build:

ERROR: unsatisfiable constraints:
  ca-certificates-bundle (missing):
    required by: world[ca-certificates-bundle]

When I replace 'ca-certificates-bundle' with 'ca-certificates' it works.

jhult commented 4 years ago

@rbokhorst, are you building your own using the build scripts?

When I run the build locally, it is using Alpine 3.12 as the base.

It looks like ca-certificates-bundle was added in 3.12:*&branch=v3.12&repo=main&arch=x86_64

If you change the branch to an older version, you will not see ca-certificates-bundle.

ca-certificates-bundle is dependent on ca-certificates. I was able to use ca-certificates in the Dockerfile (even for Alpine 3.12) and it builds fine.

rbokhorst commented 4 years ago

Hi Jonathan, I am doing plain "docker build -t ." using the Dockerfile in the master zip. I noticed that the adoptopenjdk/openjdk8-openj9:alpine-jre doesn't get updated once an older version already exists so I have to pull it manually. I was indeed using alpine 3.10 instead of 3.12. Is 'docker build' not the proper of building?

jhult commented 3 years ago


You need to tell Docker to clear your cache. Example: docker build --pull --no-cache -t

See this Stackoverflow question for more details: