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Can't find stylesheet to import error on dependencies components #55

Open JoshK2 opened 4 years ago

JoshK2 commented 4 years ago

I tried to export ngx-charts project and get an error on SCSS file when I build a component A that have component B as a dependency and component B have an SCSS file inside.

Setup to reproduce

  1. clone this project
  2. run checkout git checkout tags/12.0.1.
  3. run npm i.
  4. run bit init.
  5. do the following change:
    in file src/common/axes/y-axis-ticks.component.ts change import roundedReact to `import { roundedRect } from '../shape.helper';`
    in file src/utils/types.ts change return in isDate to `return === '[object Date]';`
  6. run bit status, should be ok.
  7. run this bit add commands:
    bit add src/*/ -e 'src/{PARENT}/*.spec.ts,src/common,src/models,src/utils' -m 'src/{PARENT}/index.ts'
    bit add src/utils/* -n utils 
    bit add src/models/* -n models
    bit add src/events.ts

bit add src/common// -n common -e 'src/common//.spec.ts,src/common/area.component.ts' bit add src/common/.ts -n common -e 'src/common/*.spec.ts,src/common/index.ts' bit add src/common/base-chart.component.scss -n common/style

8. copy this to bit objects(I added permission to Doron for the compiler):

"bit": { "env": { "compiler": "joshk.ngx-charts-compiler/compilers/angular@0.2.2" }, "componentsDefaultDirectory": "components/{name}", "packageManager": "npm", "overrides": { "": { "dependencies": {}, "peerDependencies": { "d3": "^4.10.2", "@types/d3": "^5.7.2" } }, "common/style/": { "env": { "compiler": "-" } } } }

9. run this build command: `NG_DEBUG=true bit build polar-chart`

And you will get this error:

error: bit failed to build polar-chart with the following exception: Command failed: node /Users/yoshuakuttler/Documents/bit/testingAngularProjects/ngx-charts/.git/bit/components/compilers/angular/joshk.ngx-charts-compiler/0.2.2/node_modules/ng-packagr/cli/main.js -p ng-package.json -c tsconfig.json ERROR: Can't find stylesheet to import. ╷ 1 │ @import '~@bit/pie-chart/dist/pie-chart/pie-chart/pie-chart.component'; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ pie-chart/pie-chart.component.scss 1:9 root stylesheet

Building Angular Package

Building entry point '@bit/polar-chart'

Compiling TypeScript sources through ngc

- bit version: 14.2.6-dev.3
- node version: v10.16.0
GiladShoham commented 4 years ago

Looks like it might be the same issue as