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Jest + Typescript Error (Code 2) #65

Open rap0so opened 4 years ago

rap0so commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug

I'm following the doc, but when i run bit test

Steps to Reproduce

  1. bit import bit.envs/testers/jest -t
  2. bit import -c bit.envs/compilers/typescript
  3. bit add src/project --main src/project/index.ts --tests specs/hello-world.spec.ts --id project
  4. bit test project

Expected Behavior

Result of tests

Screenshots, exceptions and logs




Additional context

I've already cleaned the project and restarted from scratch by running git init --reset-hard and still doesnt work

vatsalm-scaleup commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am also facing the same issue., However I am working on React app (with typescript) also I noticed you are using only typescript compiler. In case you also have a react app with typescript you need to use another compiler, react-typescript.

rap0so commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am also facing the same issue., However I am working on React app (with typescript) also I noticed you are using only typescript compiler. In case you also have a react app with typescript you need to use another compiler, react-typescript.

Actually there´s no problem by using typescript compiler, as u can see in the doc it can handle react components too, anyway it happens on both compilers :(

rapowell9 commented 4 years ago

Running bit build on the component provides a more detailed error message, and at least for my component it appears to be a problem with the compiler not finding the jest type definitions. "Cannot find name 'test'. Do you need to install type definitions for a test runner? Try npm i @types/jest or npm i @types/mocha." Adding an overrides clause to the bit config to add @types/jest to the dependencies fixed the error

GiladShoham commented 4 years ago

you should add the jest types using the overrides feature. read more here

wannadream commented 4 years ago

@GiladShoham I added overrides but another error pops up.

Screenshot from 2020-02-10 15-06-12

Here is the reproducible repo. I was simply adding one component and did a 'bit test'.

Looks like tester cannot find React module?

GiladShoham commented 4 years ago

Try changing the target and module props for the compiler as described in the bottom of this page

wannadream commented 4 years ago


I am using, but I believe the TS compiler is the same as I see the dependency. Jest was not configured properly?

saltman424 commented 4 years ago

@itaymendel or anyone else, any updates/workarounds?

alextuppen commented 4 years ago

@itaymendel I'd also appreciate any updates or workarounds if you've got them, I'm having the same problem as @wannadream

rotimi-babalola commented 4 years ago

I'm also having this problem as well. Are there any work arounds now?

wannadream commented 4 years ago

What I am doing is to ignore test files when pushing component to Bit. We have CI with GitLab to handle unit testing. Awkward.

GiladShoham commented 4 years ago

@saltman424 @Exitialis1 @rotimi-babalola @wannadream Have you tried to configure the target and module in the compiler config? Also, soon a much better version of the extensions infrastructure (along with a new jest version based on the new infra), is coming. I don't have an exact eta, but it will be much more powerful, extendable, performing and stable. I estimate it will take a few more weeks.

alextuppen commented 4 years ago

@GiladShoham Thank you for the update, I am not sure if I have or not, but I am happy waiting for the new version and running tests else where for now if the new version is only a few weeks away.

GiladShoham commented 4 years ago

@Exitialis1 Sound like a good plan:) it will be really awesome with the new version. stay tuned:)

speelbarrow commented 3 years ago

Any update on the new version?

GrmpyPmpkin commented 3 years ago

Are there any updates on this at all?

ldelia commented 3 years ago

Any update on the new version? Thanks