teambition / gulp-ssh

SSH and SFTP tasks for gulp
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End Stream is never getting called #50

Closed dmitri-bazz closed 8 years ago

dmitri-bazz commented 8 years ago

Relevant gulfile.js bit

gulp.task('vm-deploy', ['vm-build'], function(){
  var gulpSSH = new Ssh({ignoreErrors: false, sshConfig: vmConfig});
  try {
    return['sudo ansible-playbook gulp-vm.yml --connection=local', 'logout'], {filePath:'sshvmlog.log'})

I threw a console log in the index.js for gulp-ssh under the endStream callback to confirm that it never gets called. What's up?

zensh commented 8 years ago

sorry, I can't understand your code...

wujekbogdan commented 8 years ago

I think I can explain because I have the same problem.

// Read the sftp credentials from the configuration file
var ftpConfig = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./ftp.json', 'utf8'));

// Initialize gulpSSH
var gulpSSH = new plugins.ssh({
    sshConfig: {
        username: ftpConfig.user,
        password: ftpConfig.password

gulp.task('extract-archive', function () {
    return gulpSSH
            'tar xvzf ' + ftpConfig.dir + 'archive.tar.gz -C ' + ftpConfig.dir

Let's run the task:

gulp extract-archive

It works fine, the command is executed on the remote host, I can see: [22:06:01] Finished 'extract-archive' after 1.95 s in the console, but gulp task never ends. I can only stop it using ctrl + c.

I tried to call process.exit() when the end event is fired:

gulp.task('extract-archive', function () {
    return gulpSSH
            'tar xvzf ' + ftpConfig.dir + 'archive.tar.gz -C ' + ftpConfig.dir
        .on('end', function () {

But this causes the following issues:

[22:13:03] Finished 'extract-archive' after 2.07 s
[22:13:04] The following tasks did not complete: extract-archive
[22:13:04] Did you forget to signal async completion?
zensh commented 8 years ago

You should use options.gulp to tell gulpSSH which gulp instance running

wujekbogdan commented 8 years ago


Still the same. Sorry, I didn't mention that I use gulp v4. Does it make any difference?

var gulp = require('gulp');

var gulpSSH = new plugins.ssh({
    sshConfig: {
        username: ftpConfig.user,
        password: ftpConfig.password
    gulp: gulp

Would you like me to share the whole config?

stefanwalther commented 8 years ago

I am having the same issue, using also options to pass in the gulp instance:

var gulpSsh = new GulpSsh( {
        ignoreErrors: false,
        sshConfig: config.deployment.toSsh,
        gulp: gulp
    } );

.pipe( gulpSsh.dest( config.deployment.toSsh.dest ) );

All works fine, but gulp never ends. Also tried (as above to use on('end' ... to finish the task, but also get the same error as above.

Any ideas, did anybody succeed?

stefanwalther commented 8 years ago

... actually found the solution, had to close the connection properly:

    .pipe( gulpSsh.dest( config.deployment.toSsh.dest ) )
    .on('end', function() { gulpSsh.close(); });
AGoliath commented 8 years ago

I´m having the same Issue, neither adding the end-Listener nor adding the gulp option helped:


var gulpSSH = new GulpSSH({
    ignoreErrors: false,
    sshConfig:  {
        "host": "host",
        "username": "username",
        "port": "22",
        "password": "password"
var sourcePipe = gulp
        console.log("called close");

Console log:

C:\myFolder>gulp domyStuff ... [09:19:36] gulp-ssh :: Ready [09:19:36] Preparing to write "/opt/mystuff/stuff.txt" [09:19:36] Writing '/opt/mystuff/stuff.txt' [09:19:36] Finished writing '/opt/mystuff/stuff.txt'

... nothing happens, the log line "called close" is never printed to console, need to kill the process using Ctrl+c

This is on Windows 7 connecting to a RedHat machine, but also happens on Mac-to-Unix on the same code. NodeJs 2.5.0, gulp-ssh 0.5.4

AGoliath commented 8 years ago

Same Issue after updating to gulp-ssh 0.5.6, unfortunately I am not able to update nodejs itself.

zensh commented 8 years ago

Hi guys: I have refactored gulp-ssh, v0.6.0. It works fine for me. Please try it.

wujekbogdan commented 8 years ago

Thanks. It's works fine.