teamfusion / rottencreatures

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[Forge - 1.19.2]: Random chance for zombies to not drop loot or experience #33

Closed SiverDX closed 6 months ago

SiverDX commented 8 months ago

It's due to this return here

why are you even doing this it's skipping the entire logic in livingentity, including the forge livingdeathevent

(since the entity stays at 0 health it will just be removed in the next tick)

also dont use the level random, use the entity random if you can to avoid concurrency problems

SiverDX commented 8 months ago

just saw that there is already an issue about this #30

SiverDX commented 8 months ago

reference what im doing now

public abstract class MixinLivingEntity {
    @Inject(method = "die", at = @At("HEAD"))
    private void convert(final DamageSource damageSource, final CallbackInfo callback) {
        if ((LivingEntity) (Object) this instanceof Zombie zombie) {
            int difficultyLevel = zombie.level.getDifficulty().getId();

            // Only convert base zombies | Don't convert below NORMAL difficulty | Convert chance of 50% for NORMAL difficulty
            if (zombie.getType() != EntityType.ZOMBIE || difficultyLevel < Difficulty.NORMAL.getId() || (difficultyLevel == Difficulty.NORMAL.getId() && zombie.getRandom().nextBoolean())) {

            if (zombie.isInLava()) {
                zombie.convertTo(RCEntityTypes.BURNED.get(), true);
            } else if (zombie.isInPowderSnow || zombie.wasInPowderSnow) {
                zombie.convertTo(RCEntityTypes.FROSTBITTEN.get(), true);

            if (!zombie.isSilent()) {
                zombie.level.levelEvent(LevelEvent.SOUND_ZOMBIE_INFECTED, zombie.blockPosition(), 0);
ItsBlackGear commented 8 months ago

oh yeah, that has been fixed in the new version that's in dev, it was a silly mistake 🤔