teamhackback / hb-ddb

Vibe.d Async native D Postgres client
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Async notifications #3

Open wilzbach opened 7 years ago

wilzbach commented 7 years ago

listen, trigger

wilzbach commented 7 years ago

The following works now:

subscriber.subscribe("test1", "test2");
auto task = subscriber.listen((string channel, string message) {
    writefln("channel: %s, msg: %s", channel, message);

conn.publish("test1", "Hello World!");
conn.publish("test2", "Hello from Channel 2");

    subscriber.publish("test-fiber", "Hello from the Fiber!");
channel: test1, msg: Hello World!
channel: test-fiber, msg: Hello from the Fiber!
channel: test2, msg: Hello from Channel 2