teamhephy / builder

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Run as non-root user #32

Open Cryptophobia opened 6 years ago

Cryptophobia commented 6 years ago

From @krancour on February 22, 2016 16:48

This is a best practice we should follow wherever we can.

Copied from original issue: deis/builder#194

Cryptophobia commented 6 years ago

From @smothiki on May 19, 2016 18:4

@krancour I think we are running as a non root user ?

Cryptophobia commented 6 years ago

From @krancour on May 20, 2016 3:37

Does not seem it:

[kent@mbp ~]$ k exec -it deis-builder-5qn00 -- bash
bash-4.3# whoami

But let's hold off on doing anything with this until after the Dockerfile's been refactored for Ubuntu Slim-- which I am working on. Otherwise, there's just going to be an unresolvable merge conflict and we'll make extra work for ourselves.

Cryptophobia commented 6 years ago

From @bacongobbler on May 20, 2016 4:57

Yeah I think openssh is running as root in order to bind to port 22.

Cryptophobia commented 6 years ago

From @smothiki on May 23, 2016 22:43

@krancour I think the new ubuntu slim image is not running builder as root . Let me know if this isn;t fixed

Cryptophobia commented 6 years ago

From @arschles on May 24, 2016 20:0

bumping from RC1, as this is not critical for the RC

Cryptophobia commented 6 years ago

From @krancour on May 24, 2016 20:2

That's fine.

Cryptophobia commented 6 years ago

From @bacongobbler on May 31, 2016 17:55

The server itself is still running as root, so this is not yet resolved. All processes should be run as non-root. If any of them are compromised, the user has root level access and could break out of the container onto the host.

root@deis-builder-ef12k:/# ps faux
root        15  1.0  0.0  18288  3360 ?        Ss   17:53   0:00 bash
root        25  0.0  0.0  34428  2808 ?        R+   17:53   0:00  \_ ps faux
root         1  0.1  0.2 224688 23076 ?        Ssl  17:52   0:00 /usr/bin/boot s