teamhephy / controller

Hephy Workflow Controller (API)
MIT License
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HPAs are not re-created upon controller start if they have been deleted in Kubernetes (but still exist in workflow) #135

Closed dmcnaught closed 3 years ago

dmcnaught commented 3 years ago

HPAs are not re-created upon controller start if they have been deleted in Kubernetes (but still exist in workflow)

I tried this so that the deployment target reference api (scaleTargetRef) would get updated on K8s upgrade with workflow 2.22.1 (K8s 1.18).

The deploy object gets recreated if it is deleted, but the hpa doesn't.

Cryptophobia commented 3 years ago

Would be nice to have the HPAs recreated too. I will take a look for v2.22.2. Thanks @dmcnaught