teamhephy / controller

Hephy Workflow Controller (API)
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feat(consolerole): Add support for namespaced token used for interactive console access to containers #148

Open giannoul opened 3 years ago

giannoul commented 3 years ago

This PR adds the Service Account token needed for deis ps:console (see feat(pkg/console): support interactive console PR on workflow-cli )

The feature itself consists of the current PR and the feat(pkg/console): support interactive console PR on workflow-cli counterpart. The idea is to mimic the mechanism that kubectl is using but with using the k8s API itself. Specifically we can get a websocket access to a console in a pod but we need a token. In order to be able to use the token we need to:

The above ensures that:

  1. the token can be obtained only from the users that can access an application
  2. no global token is used
  3. the token will be cleared once the application is destroyed (since it belongs to the namespace of the application)

The requirements are to set the variables for the K8S_API_ENDPOINT and CONTAINER_CONSOLE_ENABLED.

I tested it on my minikube with setting:

ip-10-0-0-119 ~ # minikube ip
ip-10-0-0-119 ~ # kubectl describe deployment deis-controller -n deis | grep "K8S_API_ENDPOINT\|CONTAINER_CONSOLE_ENABLED"
      CONTAINER_CONSOLE_ENABLED:             true

An application named testadminapp3 had a service account and token attached that was able to give me pod/exec access:

ip-10-0-0-119 ~ # kubectl auth can-i list pods --subresource=exec --as=system:serviceaccount:testadminapp3:deis-console-testadminapp3 --namespace=testadminapp3
Cryptophobia commented 3 years ago

@giannoul , thank you for the contribution!

Is there a way to make the tokens ephemeral, requested on-demand, and expire. Right now, it means that the tokens will be created when the app is created and the SA/token remains there until app/namespace is deleted. Can we create a route that will generate console-token for let's say 20-30 min sessions.

Is it possible to set expiration on the JWT token using k8s tricks like:

expirationSeconds: 3600 #expires in 60 mins

This would mean hephy workflow cli requests a new token each time or controller uses a sort of cache for tokens. However, this may not be possible at this time.

The other way that this can be done is to store the service_account_name, service_account_creation_timestamp, service_account_expiration_timestamp in the django app's db model. Once timestamp reaches service_account_expiration_timestamp we can consider this SA token invalid and perform a periodic cronjob in the controller to delete the tokens from the api. Then the on_delete method on the django model will also delete the SA from the app's namespace by sending a call via k8s client. SA will only be created when a CLI call wants to create console session. If token exists, return it. If not, create it. If expired, recreate the SA.

giannoul commented 3 years ago

@Cryptophobia Investigating the token expiration option I found the following:

1. An existing session is independent of the token

As we may see from the implementation, all users will use the same underline Service Account in order to get a console access to the container within the pod. Since the console access is actually a back and forth using websockets, the Service Account token is just used in order to initialize the connection. Experimenting with that I saw that for an existing console session, even if I deleted the token, the connection was left intact. This means no disruptions for the existing console connections when/if we remove the Service Account token (secret).

2. Service Account tokens are automatically recreated

If we delete the token (basically it is a k8s secret) it will get regenerated automatically. This seems to be the default function of the token-controller. During my testing I found that deleting the token via kubectl will just lead to a new token creation with a different value and name suffix.

A way to implement the token expiration


we can regenerate the token upon a console session request and return the new token. This basically means that upon a new console request we check if the existing token is older than e.g. 20mins and delete it (the k8s token-controller will create a new one) and return the new token in order to be used. The connections using the old token will continue to operate and the new ones will use the new token.

The above approach is actually invalidation on demand and not cron job based action, but it has a lot less moving parts.

Cryptophobia commented 2 years ago

Okay @giannoul, the above seems like a good solution for ephemeral tokens. Does that mean that the session created by an old token can continue to be open forever? We should also create a mechanism to break the session every 20 mins to retry with same token as previously given when creating the session. This ensures that a long-running connection cannot use a very old token.

This is similar to how SSH long-running open connections are closed via timeouts.

If the above works then we should go with this new approach and add a timeout to make sure a long-running connection is not a security risk.

giannoul commented 2 years ago

The sessions opened by any token may remain open (idle) for as long as the kubelet parameter --streaming-connection-idle-timeout says:

The above means that a session can be idle for a maximum of ~4 hours by default.

The other end that could terminate the connection would be the gorilla websocket but it does not set such a timeout by default:

The above mean that the idle connections should be terminated after the time instructed by kubelet's --streaming-connection-idle-timeout.

In general the session itself is controlled via the Kubernetes and the workflow-cli via the gorilla websockets. This means that hephy controller is not able to actually terminate anything. It is just the intermediate that passes the token to the workflow-cli.

So, the only way to avoid the security risk you mentioned would be to set a hard timeout on the workflow-cli, but I am afraid that the first thing that will be requested afterwards would be "how to increase the timeout" 🤣.

Cryptophobia commented 2 years ago

So, the only way to avoid the security risk you mentioned would be to set a hard timeout on the workflow-cli, but I am afraid that the first thing that will be requested afterwards would be "how to increase the timeout"

Adding the hard timeout on the workflow-cli client is easily bypassed and is no security at all... so there would be no point to do it for security anyways.

Is there any other way we can terminate the websocket on a set timeout using controller's permissions? For example, a simple solution like set an ENV var for WEBSOCKET_TIMEOUT on controller. It would would set that value when the workflow-cli client sets the Keep-Alive for the websocket connection. Then immediately after the token is returned it will recreate it on the controller side. If a get for a token comes in, wait 20 seconds then recreate the token immediately. That way the session is guaranteed to timeout and the token is no longer valid after establishing this session, a token is only valid per single session.

This will ensure if a user is deleted, their access is gone as soon as session expires. Still not perfect, but the token will be recreated each time.

Cryptophobia commented 2 years ago

@giannoul , any update on this? I would like to get out a new minor release of hephy soon. If you are still working on this one we can get it out for next release.

giannoul commented 2 years ago

I didn't get the chance to investigate your suggestion due to a very busy program these days. Please proceed to the minor release without this one.

Cryptophobia commented 2 years ago

Okay, thank you for getting back so soon. I can help push this forward for the subsequent release after next.

giannoul commented 2 years ago

The Header Keep-Alive cannot be set for the websocket connection. In order to create the functionality we discussed I did the following:

Cryptophobia commented 2 years ago

Awesome work @giannoul ! Thank you for working with me on a bit more secure design. Will get this in right after the patch release v2.23.1 coming up.