teaminmedias-pluswerk / ke_search

Search Extension for TYPO3 Content Management System, including faceting search functions.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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filter.shownumberofresults broken? #445

Closed mkrappitz closed 2 years ago

mkrappitz commented 2 years ago

To me it looks that the Filter setting "Soll die Anzahl der Treffer pro Filteroption angezeigt werden?" [shownumberofresults] is broken in latest EXT_ke_search 4.4.4. When activating it the numbers are not being displayed for example in the checkbox filtering in the frontend because in the fluid partial EXT:ke_search/Resources/Private/Partials/Filters/Checkbox.html the variable {option.results} is always 0. In EXT:ke_search 3.7.2 it was not 0.

christianbltr commented 2 years ago

I could not reproduce this issue. Showing the number of search results per filter option works in my test environment.


If you upgraded from ke_search 3.7.2 it may be that the templates have changed since then. Please check if the issue is still there with the default templates shipped with the current version of the extension.

Please use for further issues.

mkrappitz commented 2 years ago

OK, sorry, I needed to be more specific on this one. Initially, all is good, numbers being shown:


Once the submit button "Finden" gets clicked with any number of checkboxes selected (even when having all checked, search term entered or not), all numbers disappear:


This is the URL after clicking the submit button:

mkrappitz commented 2 years ago

Could you reopen?

christianbltr commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry, I'm still not able to reproduce this.

In my test this is initial state of the search form:


This is the state after activating all three checkboxes and clicking "Find":


The number of results is shown next to the filter.

mkrappitz commented 2 years ago

OK, strange. I also deactivated markAllCheckboxes in the filter settings like you. But it stays the same, when I check all checkboxes and submit the search form the numbers next to the filters disappear. We have EXT:ke_search 4.4.5 with unchanged templates, clean TYPO3 10.4.30 (with EXT:news, EXT:vhs, EXT:mask, EXT:min, EXT:form_to_database, EXT:ns_all_lightbox, EXT:secure_downloads, EXT:webp, and a custom coded extbase product catalogue and nothing else notworthy). If It's intereseting for you to look at, I can give system access or screen sharing.

christianbltr commented 2 years ago

For the records:

You need to set "Availability check for filter conditions" to "Check in condition with other filters" in the plugin options, tab "Filter", then the number of results per filter option will be showed after the search has been executed.

The disadvantage is, that you will need to reset the search in order to select other checkbox filter options.


mkrappitz commented 2 years ago

ok, understand. I think that is a bit strange behaviour, as the setting doesn't obviously imply that numbers will be gone if you don't set this to "multi", but OK. Thanks for the carification.