StarCraft Casting Tool is a free to use open source program that makes casting StarCraft 2 simple while increasing the production value substantially by providing a match grabber and various sets of animated icons and browser sources to be shown to the viewer.
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Your image file size has been reduced by 11% 🎉
| File | Before | After | Percent reduction | |:--|:--|:--|:--| | /src/scct.png | 3.33kb | 1.54kb | 53.65% | | /casting_html/src/img/vs.png | 105.91kb | 49.52kb | 53.24% | | /casting_html/src/img/races/zerg-black.png | 40.90kb | 25.85kb | 36.78% | | /casting_html/src/img/races/terran-black.png | 25.98kb | 16.66kb | 35.87% | | /casting_html/src/img/textures/TBD_2.png | 187.12kb | 123.21kb | 34.15% | | /casting_html/src/img/races/protoss-black.png | 17.91kb | 11.83kb | 33.94% | | /src/psistorm.jpg | 1.15kb | 0.76kb | 33.93% | | /casting_html/src/img/leagues/AlphaTL.png | 43.17kb | 28.99kb | 32.85% | | /src/discord.png | 1.23kb | 0.86kb | 29.95% | | /casting_html/src/img/races/random-black.png | 7.81kb | 6.77kb | 13.35% | | /casting_html/src/img/SC2.png | 79.79kb | 71.29kb | 10.65% | | /casting_html/src/img/textures/texture2.jpg | 211.34kb | 195.65kb | 7.42% | | /casting_html/src/img/textures/bg_blur.jpg | 30.67kb | 28.95kb | 5.60% | | /casting_html/src/img/textures/TBD_1.jpg | 35.83kb | 34.29kb | 4.30% | | /casting_html/src/img/maps/New_Repugnancy.jpg | 94.76kb | 90.74kb | 4.25% | | /casting_html/src/img/textures/texture1.jpg | 115.06kb | 112.73kb | 2.02% | | /casting_html/src/img/leagues/RSL.png | 287.79kb | 284.47kb | 1.16% | | /casting_html/src/img/leagues/RSTL.png | 313.37kb | 311.96kb | 0.45% | | /casting_html/src/img/races/Zerg.png | 91.24kb | 91.09kb | 0.17% | | /src/koprulu_league.png | 5.32kb | 5.32kb | 0.09% | | /casting_html/src/img/races/Terran.png | 80.83kb | 80.79kb | 0.05% | | /casting_html/src/img/races/Protoss.png | 51.28kb | 51.27kb | 0.03% | | | | | | | **Total :** | **1,831.77kb** | **1,624.54kb** | **11.31%** |📝docs | :octocat: repo | 🙋issues | 🏅swag | 🏪marketplace