teamwalnut / graphql-ppx

GraphQL language primitives for ReScript/ReasonML written in ReasonML
MIT License
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Support for rescript 11 and uncurried mode #290

Open JasoonS opened 1 year ago

JasoonS commented 1 year ago

I was unable to use this library in a new rescript 11 project.

I received the following error:

  This function is a curried function where an uncurried function is expected

I didn't get the chance to dig deeper into the issue so I can't say what the root cause is, but it happened on this query:

let result = %graphql(`
  query UserQuery {
  indexers {
DZakh commented 9 months ago

I managed to make it work using @@uncurried.swap

// Api.res

type gqlResponse = {
  data: option<Json.t>,
  errors: option<Json.t>,

  external fetch: (~query: string, ~variables: 'variables) => Promise.t<gqlResponse> = "default"


module MakeRequest = (
  Query: {
    module Raw: {
      type t
    type t
    type t_variables
    let query: string
    let unsafe_fromJson: (. Json.t) => Raw.t
) => {
  let toTask = (. ~variables: Query.t_variables): Task.t<Query.Raw.t, string> => {
    Task.make((~resolve, ~reject) => {
      fetch(~query=Query.query, ~variables)
      ->Promise.thenResolve(response => {
        switch response {
        | {errors: Some(errors)} => reject(errors->Json.stringifyAny->Option.getExn)
        | {errors: None, data: None} => reject("Response data is empty.")
        | {errors: None, data: Some(data)} => resolve(data->Query.unsafe_fromJson)
      ->Promise.catch(exn => {
// Foo.res
   query Query($registrationNumber: String!){
      carInfo(registrationNumber: $registrationNumber) {

module Request = Api.MakeRequest(Query)

cwstra commented 9 months ago

I think the ppx still fails with a "This function is a curried function where an uncurried function is expected" error whenever a fragment shows up, which is harder to fix with a wrapper.

LeoLeBras commented 7 months ago

A rescript-forum note from the main maintainer 🙏

We at walnut are going to migrate to ReScript 11 as well, and are maintaining graphql-ppx bear with us while we ship an update. But it’s in progress :slight_smile: —