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Update Landing Page #23

Closed geopor closed 2 years ago

geopor commented 2 years ago

I can't edit https://github.com/tearust/website/blob/main/frontend/landingpage/preview_1/index.html so @liyangwood please make the following changes:

1. Update all instances of




2. Change the middle text section, middle paragraph



                  <h3 class="ftPoint__title color-1 weight-text-m">Buy CML seeds</h3>
                  <div class="ftPoint__description">You'll can borrow COFFEE funds to buy CML seeds. These are either planted into mining machines to bring them to life or staked to earn mining revenue. For more information on how to mine with CML seeds, visit <a
                      href="https://github.com/tearust/teaproject/wiki/Mining-With-Your-Own-Hardware">our wiki</a>.</div>

3. Change the middle text section, last paragraph



                  <h3 class="ftPoint__title color-1 weight-text-m">Now you're ready to earn TEA revenue</h3>
                  <div class="ftPoint__description">Contestants earn TEA revenue by mining, hosting TApps, and investing in TApp tokens using the <a target="_blank" href="https://wallet.teaproject.org/">TEA browser wallet</a>. Visit our <a target="_blank"
                      href="https://t.me/teaprojectorg">Telegram</a> for the latest contest start time.
geopor commented 2 years ago

Based on https://github.com/tearust/tea-browser-wallet/issues/235 we can not link to the wallet homepage for signup. Let me update the original post to change the links to the Google form.

geopor commented 2 years ago

Ok original post updated, ready for edits @liyangwood

liyangwood commented 2 years ago

Done https://teaproject.org/landingpage/preview_1/index.html