tearust / website

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separate the md compiled to a utility that convert tea-docs to a standalone html site. deploy to docs.teaproject.org #8

Closed kevingzhang closed 3 years ago

kevingzhang commented 3 years ago

related to #6

liyangwood commented 3 years ago

已经处理 目前的url是 https://teaproject.org/docs/What_is_TEA%3F/TEA_vs_IPFS.html 已经在首页做了隐藏的爬虫入口

kevingzhang commented 3 years ago

I found the css is very different than the previous version. what's wrong? and have you update the website so that the old URL stop working? I found the document link still points to the old doc, why?

kevingzhang commented 3 years ago

make the css the same as our current website style. in the future, turn all teaproject.org homepage to static HTML. do not use VUE

kevingzhang commented 3 years ago

add https://github.com/tearust/website/commit/4a01fce3ba57ecce4b8fbed347c8c9a3db4cd14c to readme to explain how to use such an utility

kevingzhang commented 3 years ago

I would like to make our website a full static HTML page. The interactive part we can use https://github.com/tearust/teaproject So we can save our time and effort maintaining the website.

Our website can be used as a landing page. then introduce traffic to github repo for frequently changed content. What do you think @geopor ?

geopor commented 3 years ago

I made a comment here https://github.com/tearust/website/issues/14

but after reading this it sounds like most new information will end up in our wiki. Some parts of tea-docs will stay and become static html, some will be retired, and much of it will move over to the GitHub wiki.