Closed zbyti closed 9 months ago
uses crt, neo6502; const HEIGHT = 8; WIDTH = 8; BOARD_SIZE = HEIGHT * WIDTH; CENTER_X = 96; CENTER_Y = 64; TILE_SIZE = 16; TILE_ADDRESS = $9000; var tmpB1, tmpB2 : byte; posX, posY, tmpW : word; begin for tmpB1 := 0 to BOARD_SIZE - 1 do begin if peek(TILE_ADDRESS + 3 + tmpB1) > 4 then begin posX := (CENTER_X + 3 * TILE_SIZE + 8) + (tmpB1 mod HEIGHT) * TILE_SIZE; posY := (CENTER_Y + 3 * TILE_SIZE + 8) + (tmpB1 div WIDTH) * TILE_SIZE; end end; end.
mp-build-neo test.pas 200 r Mad Pascal Compiler version 1.7.1 [2024/02/11] for 6502 Compiling test.pas test.pas (13) Note: Local variable 'TMPB2' not used test.pas (14) Note: Local variable 'TMPW' not used 23 lines compiled, 0.79 sec, 9924 tokens, 736 idents, 178 blocks, 8 types 2 note(s) issued ZPAGE: $0000..$0053 RTBUF: $0200..$02FF RTLIB: $0203..$0223 jsr #$00 test.a65 (299) ERROR: Illegal addressing mode (CPU 65816)
uses crt, neo6502; const HEIGHT = 8; WIDTH = 8; BOARD_SIZE = HEIGHT * WIDTH; CENTER_X = 96; CENTER_Y = 64; TILE_SIZE = 16; TILE_ADDRESS = $9000; var tmpB1, tmpB2 : byte; posX, posY, tmpW : word; begin for tmpB1 := 0 to BOARD_SIZE - 1 do begin if peek(TILE_ADDRESS + 3 + tmpB1) > 4 then begin tmpB2 := (tmpB1 mod HEIGHT) * TILE_SIZE; posX := (CENTER_X + 3 * TILE_SIZE + 8) + tmpB2; tmpB2 := (tmpB1 div WIDTH) * TILE_SIZE; posY := (CENTER_Y + 3 * TILE_SIZE + 8) + tmpB2; end end; end.
@tebe6502 thx :)