tebexio / Tebex-Minecraft

The new Tebex plugin for Minecraft, supporting Bukkit, Bungeecord, Velocity, Spigot, and PaperSpigot
GNU General Public License v3.0
15 stars 31 forks source link

Tebex plugin does not parse the {id} placeholder #22

Closed fabianmakila closed 5 months ago

fabianmakila commented 5 months ago

Platform / version info

Platform: Velocity 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT (git-59567512-b346) Tebex plugin version: 2.0.1

Issue description

I'm currently doing a proxy switch from Bungee to Velocity. At the same time I'm also switching from the old BuycraftX plugin to the new Tebex plugin.

Currently for some reason the {id} placeholder does not get parsed properly as seen in the debug below: [io.tebex.plugin.TebexPlugin]: Dispatching offline command 'lpv user {id} parent settrack vip vip-diamond' for player 'FabianAdrian2'

The Luckperms command feedback also confirms the fact that the {id} placeholder did not get parsed properly: [LP] {id} is not a valid username/uuid.

Looking at the payment in the webstore, we can see that the webstore itself parses the UUID correctly. So this is most likely a plugin issue. image

l3nnartt commented 5 months ago

same issue here, the support told me end of the next week there will be a fix

l3nnartt commented 5 months ago


l3nnartt commented 4 months ago

I updated the plugin but the problem still persists :x

l3nnartt commented 4 months ago

@WildBamaBoy can you say anything about that?