tech-advantage / ngx-icon-picker

An Icon Picker Directive/Component for Angular 13+ which manages Font Awesome, Bootstrap Glyphicon, Font Awesome5 and Material.
MIT License
24 stars 32 forks source link

Different implementation #2

Closed maysammansoury closed 6 years ago

maysammansoury commented 6 years ago

Hi my dear friend. Tanks for your awesome module. Your module is perfect but implementation according to your instruction doesn't work, so i recommend update your help with my implementation.

<a class="btn form-control"
           [ipPlaceHolder]="'SearchIcon' | translate"
           (iconPickerSelect)="onIconPickerSelect($event)"  >
     <i [ngClass]="myIcon"></i>
renaudaste commented 6 years ago

Hello ! Glad to hear you like our work. Icon picker was first intended to be used on an <input> tag, I don't know yet about adding it to a <a>. I'm going to try your implementation right now, and will update the README then. I'll keep you updated. Thank you for your feedback :+1:

renaudaste commented 6 years ago

Hello again :smiley:

Just published a new version 0.0.5-1. In this version, the iconPickerSelect output is fired on start.

Then I did a test with a new angular-cli project (v1.2.0) using command : ng new myproject --style less

I managed to make it work following this procedure :

import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; import { IconPickerModule } from 'ngx-icon-picker/dist/index';

@NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent ], imports: [ CommonModule, BrowserModule, IconPickerModule ], providers: [], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }

* Update the template `app.component.html` : 
<a class="btn form-control"
   [ngStyle]="{backgroundColor: '#f96f6f', width: '50px'}"
   [ipPlaceHolder]="'my placeholder here'"
   (iconPickerSelect)="onIconPickerSelect($event)"  >
  <i [ngClass]="icon"></i>

@Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.less'] }) export class AppComponent { fallbackIcon = 'fa fa-book'; icon: string;

onIconPickerSelect($event: any): void { console.log('$event : ', $event); this.icon = $event; } }

With this code the icon picker seems to work well.
Does it seems OK for you ?

maysammansoury commented 6 years ago

Hi dear Renaud Thanks for your quick reply, yes it works perfectly well