Add a command line flag to allow for NON https and default to serve over https with default crt/key filepaths.
Start in non-https so I could use it to create a cert for itself, once done and downloaded, restart and use those newly minted certs. All worked, and all command line flags worked.
Will want to follow this up to make it easier to bootstrap TLS ala #47
This PR addresses the following issues:
No current issue, but no support for HTTPS as is.
Currently you cannot serve TLSential over https.
Add a command line flag to allow for NON https and default to serve over https with default crt/key filepaths.
Start in non-https so I could use it to create a cert for itself, once done and downloaded, restart and use those newly minted certs. All worked, and all command line flags worked.
Will want to follow this up to make it easier to bootstrap TLS ala #47