techahold / rustdeskinstall

Easy install Script for Rustdesk
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downloaded gohttpserver on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2 isn't armv7l format #34

Closed jontio closed 1 year ago

jontio commented 1 year ago

On a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2 (ARMv7) the install script downloads a 64bit ARM file ( gohttpserver_1.1.4_linux_arm64.tar.gz ) but ARMv7 doesn't support 64 bit. So gohttpserver doesn't run.

The gohttpserver repo doesn't have a armv7l compiled version so that's a bit of a bother. So that means either asking the codeskyblue/gohttpserver people to compile one in their releases or build it.

Currently I think the install script should say to the user gohttpserver isn't supported for armv7l and not install it if it detects armv7l using uname -m.

I don't know anything about the go language but gave compiling a very quick go. This failed...

sudo apt install golang
go install
can't load package: package cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode

The go version apt installed was go version go1.11.6 linux/arm

and this also failed...

git clone
cd gohttpserver
go build
build cannot find module for path embed
dinger1986 commented 1 year ago

I'll add that in at some point

dinger1986 commented 1 year ago

by looking at this it looks to me like the 3B is 64bit which is what I have put into the script

dinger1986 commented 1 year ago

changed 64bit in

jontio commented 1 year ago

by looking at this it looks to me like the 3B is 64bit which is what I have put into the script

I see what's happened. I'm running a 32bit OS and when that happens uname -m returns armv7l. Likewise cat /proc/cpuinfo says...

Hardware        : BCM2835
Revision        : a22082
Serial          : 0000000066d226ed
Model           : Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2

Likewise lscpu says armv7l. The confusion is explained at

Everything apart from the gohttpserver works fine on armv7l so your script is good for pis running just the rustdesk server with 32bit OSes.

According to uname -m will return aarch64 on 64 bit OS pis. So maybe at line 222...

if [ "${ARCH}" = "armv7l" ] ; then
echo "Go HTTP Server not supported on 32bit ARM devices but rustdesk server is now installed on your 32bit ARM device"
exit 0

Maybe also...

echo "Installing Go HTTP Server"
if [ "${ARCH}" = "armv7l" ] ; then
wget "${GOHTTPLATEST}/gohttpserver_${GOHTTPLATEST}_linux_amd64.tar.gz"
tar -xf  gohttpserver_${GOHTTPLATEST}_linux_amd64.tar.gz 
elif [ "${ARCH}" =  "aarch64" ] ; then
wget "${GOHTTPLATEST}/gohttpserver_${GOHTTPLATEST}_linux_arm64.tar.gz"
tar -xf  gohttpserver_${GOHTTPLATEST}_linux_arm64.tar.gz
elif [ "${ARCH}" = "armv7l" ] ; then
echo "Go HTTP Server not supported on 32bit ARM devices"
exit 1
dinger1986 commented 1 year ago

Yes that makes sense!

Sorry had a slow moment earlier.

I'll update it now.

dinger1986 commented 1 year ago

Updated both now, but I reckon if you try and install on 64bit raspbian on a pi 3 it'll now not install, see what comes up, I'm sure someone will open another issue if that happens lol.

jontio commented 1 year ago

Thanks that looks good. I installed 64bit raspbian to test that it still works on a 64bit ARM OS and the gohttpserver installs and runs fine. So I think everything should be good.

dinger1986 commented 1 year ago


Thanks for testing it 😀