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Tokens don't store to the SQLite database #3

Open kentoj opened 9 years ago

kentoj commented 9 years ago

Everything works great except the last step. The tokens don't seem to be successfully stored in the SQLite database. Every time I run a request with my new token I get an error similar to : Failed to find access token for token 3200a333-d804-4323-9cac-abd553556667

The token is generated successfully with a return like so:

{"access_token":"d1b1e481-ddcf-4419-b169-5046fdad4a16","token_type":"bearer","expires_in":43199,"scope":"read write"}boot-security-rest-example(master)

What could be the issue here?

FrontierPsychiatrist commented 9 years ago

Hi! Since the database files are configured relatively you have to start the two servers in the same working directory, maybe that's what went wrong? See here.