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Get hours estimate from everyone involved in 2016 #42

Closed the-simian closed 6 years ago

matthewreily commented 7 years ago

4 hours a week on average for me.

robolucas commented 7 years ago

About 2 hours for me - more if you count user group attendance, but that's also work for me so it's hard to say. If we count that too it's more like 4.

rhoegg commented 7 years ago

Call it 4/week

the-simian commented 7 years ago

I'd definitely count usergroup attendance like if you're running the group of course

groovecoder commented 7 years ago

3.14159 hours per week.

DevinClark commented 7 years ago

3 hours per week.

jagthedrummer commented 7 years ago

It fluctuated quite a lot for me over the year. When I was pushing hard on the donations site it was probably 12 hours a week for a few weeks, and then it's settled down to around 2 hours a week. Probably averages out to around 3 or 4 per week.

the-simian commented 7 years ago

@jagthedrummer yeah that seems about right. I figured most folks would be averaging big fluctuate-y hours like that. I'm in a similar boat

vlucas commented 7 years ago

I'd say it's about 2 hours a week right now, but when the job board stuff was going it was like 10-12. I do have some updates for the job board planned soon, so my number will be lifting up again here in a month or so.

amandaharlin commented 7 years ago

hey @vlucas do you want to update your weekly avg numbers? i'd include tp, okcjs, board meeting prep, and job board too.