techleadhd / chatgpt-retrieval

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Does this project send all the data to openAi every time i ask a question? #30

Open reemster123 opened 11 months ago

reemster123 commented 11 months ago

Not really a bug or issue. But just curious. It seems you are formatting customdata and adding it to a prompt. So everytime i ask a question all my data is added to the promt? This will cost me a lot of tokens right?

threat commented 11 months ago

I think it vectorizes your data locally (adds it to a high dimensional array) then when you ask a question the openAI API uses the vectors... FYI I'm just starting to learn too

reemster123 commented 11 months ago

Ah thats true, watched some youtube vids on it yesterday after i asked the question. Thanks. Great work ;)