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LangChain Deprecation Warning #61

Open webnomadorg opened 2 months ago

webnomadorg commented 2 months ago

Hi, it looks like this is not working anymore? Would you have time to update the project on github? There is an error that sends me down a rabbit hole - LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing vector stores from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead

padhr2810 commented 1 month ago

A requirements.txt file might solve this. Can anyone please provide...?

Frenchcoder294 commented 1 month ago

langchain is separated the library to different places (i.e., langchain_openai, langchain_community, ...) in new versions, and we need new modules to work with, it is not justpip install langchain now, it is way more work. we have to try and fix it