techmatters / terraso-product

Non-engineering tasks or tasks that have significance across repos in Terraso.
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design/illustrate padding for overlay sheets #737

Open DerekCaelin opened 1 month ago

DerekCaelin commented 1 month ago

Provide example to engineers for increased padding in overlay sheets. See parent task for details.

Courtney, 4/30/2024 Link:

I've noticed that overlay sheets have generally been implemented with very little padding at the bottom, meaning that the content nearly touches the bottom edge of the screen. Is it possible to build in some padding to the component so there is a little breathing room at the bottom?

Re: InfoModals for slope, soil texture, rock fragments (link):

The sheets are varying in how tall they are and how much padding is at the bottom. This is not a big deal for Capri, but would be nice to make consistent per Notes for Engineers. It would be ideal if the behaviors and styles were implemented in the component itself, rather than needing to be tweaked on each instance.