techninja / cncserver

A RESTful API server for driving serial based CNC devices
133 stars 39 forks source link

-Other- bot support (blanked/question issue) #45

Open techninja opened 10 years ago

techninja commented 10 years ago

CNCserver works based on an assumption that by sending certain commands on a serial output will result in moving a bot for CNC.

Currently this only supports the EBB and its limited command set and use cases. The original intent of the project as to allow it to control many CNC devices, but it can't without a bit of rethinking, and some good example projects to add.

Bot/output support ideas:

Since most of these do not allow for automatic tool changes, one required change is for "move, hold, alert, resume" tool change steps.

Any suggestions or missing information appreciated in comments. Also if you want support, add your 2 cents here!

arpruss commented 5 years ago

I would love to see generic gcode support.