techninja / cncserver

A RESTful API server for driving serial based CNC devices
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[Meta] Remaining issues for Scratch Support #60

Open techninja opened 9 years ago

techninja commented 9 years ago

Today I ran a 5hr workshop running two bots on two computers at the same time, using the experimental Scratch support with kids aged 5-15 today and I managed to learn a lot. Apart from various UI bugs and awkwardness, scratch and the API performed admirably and one student was able to use it to draw a star in a box, with a limited amount of fiddling. Some issues I saw:

It's good we've kept it in beta preview, but I believe it really is quite close. Some good news: Some of these issues are going to be easy fixes with no API changes, though others are going to be tricky to track down, I've come up with a clean plan for automated testing that would show us clearly if any commands are sent in the wrong order, or if are doing things they shouldn't by triggering a command or series of commands, then checking the actual serial data sent to what would be expected. Best thing is this will test much faster and let us know if anything breaks support in the future. OK, mor elater, just wanted to document this before it got too late.

techninja commented 9 years ago

Timing wise, things have been tough since "the downsizing". Good news is, I have an interview scheduled, and plan on getting in three solid 8-10 hour days just for figuring out RP/CNC server, likely starting the coming Monday. Should be a bit like the last revamp, getting all the tickets in order, and lots of PRs to come.

oskay commented 9 years ago

All sounds good (except for the downsizing part). ;)