techniq / svelte-ux

Collection of Svelte components, actions, stores, and utilities to build highly interactive applications.
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[queryParamsStore] enhancements #430

Open frederikhors opened 2 weeks ago

frederikhors commented 2 weeks ago

Since your project is AMAZING, I was wondering what do you think about creating a "kit for Kit" with Svelte 5 that allows us to save in the page URL any POJO object or scalar type we need with the serializer we need (for example I can use JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() for now).

I described something similar here.

This would be amazing for lists filters for example:

  1. I have a players list on page /players

  2. I order the list by created_at DESC

  3. the kit saves this filter in the URL: /players?order_by=created_at_DESC (just an example)

  4. I filter players form team_id: 123

  5. the kit saves this new filter in the URL: /players?order_by=created_at_DESC&team_id=123 (just an example)

  6. I go back with the browser and the URL is now again: /players?order_by=created_at_DESC (just an example)

  7. I reload the page now and since the URL is this the list is ordered like before the reload

I hope you get the idea.

I now can manually add this using in each place I need it url.searchParams.set and afterNavigate but I would like to have an helper to be used everywhere.

Again, thanks for your work!

techniq commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the kinds words @frederikhors 😊.

If I'm understanding correctly, It sounds like what you are looking for is query string management with different strategies. Svelte UX has queryParamsStore (manage multiple params) as well as queryParamStore (single param) with different types/strategies. There is a pretty robust test suite and docs to see the differences, but maybe I'm misunderstanding what you are looking for.

@paoloricciuti also has the wonderful which I haven't looked closely at yet, but I think it's similar and likely has better SvelteKit integration (I created queryParamsStore for SPAs before SvelteKit existed)

frederikhors commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for your answer.

I tried queryParamsStore and it works good (thanks again for your work!) but does not all I need.

I created a small reproduction: see the file /svelte-ux/+page.svelte:

  1. since I'm using new Svelte 5's $props() I'm assigning:

    const filters = queryParamsStore({
     defaults: {
       condition: {},
       searchText: undefined,
     paramTypes: (key) => {
       switch (key) {
         case "condition":
           return "object";
         case "searchText":
           return "string";
    let { pagination = { page: 1, size: 10 }, condition = $filters.condition } = $props();

    and obviously if I assign something to = "bob" it doesn't work

  2. I cannot assign to $filters.condition neither

  3. The same goes with searchText (simple string): if I assign it as default props value and I bind it with an input it doesn't work

These are very useful features especially with Svelte 5.

I'm already talking with @paoloricciuti here about this.

techniq commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the added context and discussion. If i understand the problem you want:

You MIGHT be able to use queryParamStore for each parameter (and thus a store for each) instead of managing all params with a single queryParamsStore.

I haven't tried testing this and rather buried with other tasks ATM. I plan to migrate all Svelte UX stores to Svelte 5 with runes but it will take some time.

import { queryParamsStore } from 'svelte-ux';
import { page } from '$app/stores';
import { goto } from '$app/navigation';

let { pagination, condition } = $props();

const paginationParam = queryParamStore({
  name: 'pagination',
  default: pagination ?? { page: 1, size: 10 },
  paramType: 'object',

const conditionParam = queryParamStore({
  name: 'condition',
  default: condition,
  paramType: 'object',

<input type="text" bind:value={$} />
techniq commented 2 weeks ago

I did try to update your SvelteLab example with the following...

    import { queryParamStore } from 'svelte-ux';

    import { afterNavigate, goto } from '$app/navigation';
    import { page } from '$app/stores';

    import { getData } from '../db.ts';

    let { pagination, condition } = $props();

    const paginationParam = queryParamStore({
      name: 'pagination',
      default: pagination ?? { page: 1, size: 10 },
      paramType: 'object',

    const conditionParam = queryParamStore({
      name: 'condition',
      default: condition ?? {},
      paramType: 'object',

    let listInput = $derived({
        pagination: $paginationParam,
        condition: $conditionParam

    const players = $ => {
        return getData(listInput);

condition: {JSON.stringify($conditionParam)}

<br /><br />

Search player by name:

<input type="text" bind:value={$} />

<br /><br />

{#each players as player}
    name: {} - gender: {player.gender} <br /><br />

but it didn't work


frederikhors commented 2 weeks ago

I will try in a moment. I think pushState() has a bug and needs setTimeout for now.

But in the meantime, I opened right now.

That code works (not so performant or good) but is very repetitive, but it's a start for me.

Do you think the code you posted can do the same?

techniq commented 2 weeks ago

TBH I'm not sure. queryParamStore does not use Svelte 5 $effect and just calls goto from $app/navigation based on store.set being called.

frederikhors commented 2 weeks ago

I updated

Condition is not persisted in the URL at all.


techniq commented 2 weeks ago

I updated

Condition is not persisted in the URL at all.


Look in your console 😉. This was the error I was referring to.


frederikhors commented 2 weeks ago

You're right. I don't know what to do.

I'm shocked that I haven't found anything similar to what I need anywhere on the web and yet it's something that should be very useful to a lot of people!

techniq commented 2 weeks ago

I think rolling something custom like you have in is your best choice right now.

Svelte UX's plan for Svelte 5 is to get it compatible with Svelte 3-5 which is helping to tease out some Svelte 5 regressions. I'm fairly close on getting the full docs running on Svelte 5 (it does locally, but currently fails some svelte-check and I had to remove sveld generated API docs until I find a solution). I think the root issue is the AST changing. I'm considering parsing the AST myself, but just haven't found the bandwidth. There are some additional regressions I've seen while using the docs locally I need to identify a small reproduction and report as well. Migrating the LayerChart docs to Svelte 5 is also a priority.

I already have Github Analysis and Strava Analysis running on Svelte 5, but know there is at least an issue with DateRangeField in some cases I need to investigate / report.


LayerChart's simplified charts is my current priority when I have time for open source, which ebbs and flows.