The easiest way to bootstrap a self-hosted High Availability Kubernetes cluster. A fully automated HA k3s etcd install with kube-vip, MetalLB, and more. Build. Destroy. Repeat.
After bringing the cluster up with these scripts and deploying some apps and pods in it, I am having problems with DNS in the cluster. I cannot reach pods, etc. in the cluster itself (same namespace) by dns name, but can reach them by ip address. Same goes for destinations outside of the cluster.
I tries and tested the steps from with the dnsutils pod and in those test I only find a lot of error messages like:
[WARNING] No files matching import glob pattern: custom/*.override
After bringing the cluster up with these scripts and deploying some apps and pods in it, I am having problems with DNS in the cluster. I cannot reach pods, etc. in the cluster itself (same namespace) by dns name, but can reach them by ip address. Same goes for destinations outside of the cluster.
I tries and tested the steps from with the dnsutils pod and in those test I only find a lot of error messages like:
[WARNING] No files matching import glob pattern: custom/*.override
It seems to be a coredns problem, already described in this blogpost: