The easiest way to bootstrap a self-hosted High Availability Kubernetes cluster. A fully automated HA k3s etcd install with kube-vip, MetalLB, and more. Build. Destroy. Repeat.
Hey everyone,
I'm new to k8s and tried setting it up in my homelab today. Thanks to this repository it was quite easy to get started but I'm hitting a roadblock that I cannot seem to resolve on my own. I made a small example deployment shown below but I cannot get the clients ip address from the X-Real-Ip header.
Is there any additional configuration I forgot to add? If so, would it be useful to incorporate it into this repository?
Thanks for your help :)
Expected Behavior
X-Real-Ip should contain the client IP
Current Behavior
X-Real-Ip contains an ip from the k8s range (
Hey everyone, I'm new to k8s and tried setting it up in my homelab today. Thanks to this repository it was quite easy to get started but I'm hitting a roadblock that I cannot seem to resolve on my own. I made a small example deployment shown below but I cannot get the clients ip address from the X-Real-Ip header.
Is there any additional configuration I forgot to add? If so, would it be useful to incorporate it into this repository?
Thanks for your help :)
Expected Behavior
X-Real-Ip should contain the client IP
Current Behavior
X-Real-Ip contains an ip from the k8s range (
Steps to Reproduce
kubectly apply -f example-deployment.yaml
in your browserexample-deployment.yaml
Context (variables)
Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Hardware: VM
Variables Used
Possible Solution
According to this ( I think
metal_lb_mode: "layer2"
must be switched tometal_lb_mode: "bgp"
but I'm not sure what side effects this could/would have.