The easiest way to bootstrap a self-hosted High Availability Kubernetes cluster. A fully automated HA k3s etcd install with kube-vip, MetalLB, and more. Build. Destroy. Repeat.
I am using this collection and it is working very well, thanks.
I am calling your collection from my own playbook with this:
- name: Import the k3s playbook with flannel
ansible.builtin.import_playbook: "/Users/xxxxx/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/techno_tim/k3s_ansible/site.yml"
k3s_version: "{{ hostvars['localhost']['k3s_version'] }}"
k3s_token: "{{ hostvars['localhost']['k3s_token'] }}"
apiserver_endpoint: "{{ hostvars['localhost']['apiserver_endpoint'] }}"
k3s_master_taint: "{{ hostvars['localhost']['k3s_master_taint'] }}"
kube_vip_lb_ip_range: "{{ hostvars['localhost']['kube_vip_lb_ip_range'] }}"
k3s_cni: "{{ hostvars['localhost']['k3s_cni'] }}"
install_k3s: "{{ hostvars['localhost']['install_k3s'] }}"
flannel_iface: "{{ hostvars['localhost']['k8s_interface'] }}"
extra_args: "--disable local-storage"
- install_k3s | default (false) | bool
- k3s_cni == "flannel"```
and all is working, except the extra_args. Can you tell me how I should have the extra argument stated?
It is failing like this and when I remove the complete extra_args line all is working again.
I am using this collection and it is working very well, thanks.
I am calling your collection from my own playbook with this:
I have also tried