technoblogy / tiny-i2c

Minimal I2C master routines for all AVR microcontrollers.
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Compile error #8

Closed AlexGyver closed 5 years ago

AlexGyver commented 5 years ago

Hello! I have a compile error. I use ATtiny core by Spence Konde v1.2.5 (and try 1.2.0), board ATtiny25/45/85 and have an error:

cc1.exe: error: -fno-fat-lto-objects are supported only with linker plugin
technoblogy commented 5 years ago

I've just checked and it compiles OK for me. What's "tyr 1.2.0"?

What version of the Arduino IDE are you using? What platform?

AlexGyver commented 5 years ago

I am using Windows 10, Arduino IDE 1.8.9, ATtiny 1.2.5, choose ATtiny25/45/85 without touching any other settings

technoblogy commented 5 years ago

Can you run other programs on the ATtiny85, such as Blink?

AlexGyver commented 5 years ago

I tried to compile on other PC, so it was successfull! Sorry for bothering you

technoblogy commented 5 years ago

No problem - glad it worked!

AlexGyver commented 5 years ago

so, I have attiny85 working with core. But there is problem with tiny graphics sketch: are you shure that attiny can read OLED GDDRAM? There is some note from datasheet:

To read data from the GDDRAM, select HIGH for both the R/W# (WR#) pin and the D/C# pin for 6800-series parallel mode and select LOW for the E (RD#) pin and HIGH for the D/C# pin for 8080-series parallel mode. No data read is provided in serial mode operation. ... The serial interface mode is always in write mode.

So I have a very strange operation of your tiny graphics program. Maybe I have a bad Chinese copy? Driver is SSD1306.

technoblogy commented 5 years ago

Which tiny graphics sketch are you referring to? Can you give a link to it?

AlexGyver commented 5 years ago

This one And example from library tiny i2c. I think it is the same sketch, but with tinyWire instead of Wire

technoblogy commented 5 years ago

As it says at the start of the article, that will only work with I2C OLED displays based on the SH1106 driver chip, for the reason you have highlighted in the datasheet. Sorry it's not clear from the listing - I'll add a note to clarify that.

I have another article that will work with SSD1306 displays; see:

Tiny Function Plotter

It should be relatively easy to change it to work with the TinyI2C Library - let me know how you get on.

AlexGyver commented 5 years ago

I thought that ssd1306 is the same as ssh1106, because you will find ssd1306 by searching ssh1106 on AliExpress :) Yes thanks, I've seen all your oled related programs, and plotter works.. only for horizontal lines. So I have solved my problem by buffering 2x2 pixels block on 128x32 display, so it's resolution is 64x16 now, with 255 byte buffer :D thank you for your codes, really helpful. Will try to buy SSH for future experiments

technoblogy commented 5 years ago

Yes, there's a lot of confusion on AliExpress! Thanks for your comments.