technologiestiftung / maps-latent-space

An AI exploration on how to create maps and a infrastructure to display it in an exhibition space. A collaboration between Birds On Mars and Technologiestiftung Berlin/CityLAB.
MIT License
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Dependency Dashboard #77

Open renovate[bot] opened 3 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


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Detected dependencies

ml/Dockerfile - `tensorflow/tensorflow 1.14.0-gpu-py3`
ml/Dockerfile.cpu - `tensorflow/tensorflow 1.14.0-py3`
server/package.json - `@types/ 2.1.4` - `cors 2.8.5` - `dotenv 8.2.0` - `express 4.17.1` - `express-ws 4.0.0` - `johnny-five 1.4.0` - `jspack 0.0.4` - `meow 6.1.0` - `on-change 1.6.2` - `shortid 2.2.15` - `ws 7.2.1` - `@types/cors 2.8.6` - `@types/express 4.17.4` - `@types/express-ws 3.0.0` - `@types/jest 25.2.1` - `@types/johnny-five 1.3.0` - `@types/morgan 1.9.0` - `@types/node 12.12.34` - `@types/shortid 0.0.29` - `@types/ws 7.2.1` - `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 2.27.0` - `@typescript-eslint/parser 2.27.0` - `beachball 1.12.1` - `cz-conventional-changelog 3.1.0` - `eslint 6.8.0` - `eslint-config-prettier 6.10.1` - `eslint-plugin-jest 23.8.2` - `eslint-plugin-prettier 3.1.2` - `jest 25.2.7` - `mkdirp 1.0.3` - `nodemon 2.0.2` - `prettier 1.19.1` - `rimraf 3.0.1` - `ts-jest 25.3.1` - `ts-node 8.6.2` - `typescript 3.8.3`
ml/docker-requirements.txt - `absl-py ==0.7.1` - `astor ==0.8.0` - `certifi ==2019.11.28` - `chardet ==3.0.4` - `gast ==0.2.2` - `google-pasta ==0.1.7` - `grpcio ==1.21.1` - `h5py ==2.9.0` - `idna ==2.8` - `Keras-Applications ==1.0.8` - `Keras-Preprocessing ==1.1.0` - `Markdown ==3.1.1` - `numpy ==1.16.4` - `opt-einsum ==3.1.0` - `Pillow ==6.2.1` - `protobuf ==3.8.0` - `requests ==2.22.0` - `six ==1.12.0` - `termcolor ==1.1.0` - `urllib3 ==1.25.7` - `Werkzeug ==0.15.4` - `wrapt ==1.11.2`
ml/requirements.txt - `absl-py ==0.7.1` - `astor ==0.8.0` - `certifi ==2019.11.28` - `chardet ==3.0.4` - `gast ==0.2.2` - `google-pasta ==0.1.7` - `grpcio ==1.21.1` - `h5py ==2.9.0` - `idna ==2.8` - `Keras-Applications ==1.0.8` - `Keras-Preprocessing ==1.1.0` - `Markdown ==3.1.1` - `numpy ==1.16.4` - `opt-einsum ==3.1.0` - `Pillow ==6.2.1` - `protobuf ==3.8.0` - `requests ==2.22.0` - `six ==1.12.0` - `tensorboard ==1.14.0` - `tensorflow ==1.14.0` - `tensorflow-estimator ==1.14.0` - `tensorflow-gpu ==1.14.0` - `termcolor ==1.1.0` - `urllib3 ==1.25.7` - `Werkzeug ==0.15.4` - `wrapt ==1.11.2`
terraform/amis/ - `aws 2.62.0`
terraform/amis/ - `hashicorp/terraform >= 0.12`
terraform/ec2/ - `hashicorp/terraform >= 0.12`