Closed igajsin closed 2 years ago
I just had a brief look via
chmod +x lein
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD:/mnt" -v "$PWD/m2:/root/.m2" openjdk:17.0-jdk /bin/bash
cd /mnt
./lein ...
so there doesn't seem to be a general problem with Java 17 (which isn't too common I guess).
Unfortunately I don't even have any wild guesses to the reason right now. Could you maybe try a different JDK on guix? 11 or 8, if they have that.
The error you posted comes from Cider, so perhaps you should open a bug report on their tracker: Syntax error compiling at (cider/nrepl/inlined_deps/orchard/v0v6v5/orchard/java/parser.clj:1:1).
Strange. That happened in CLI without cider. I'll try to delete cider and check what will happen after that.
I've switched to icedtea
$ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_292"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 3.19.0) (guix build 1.8.0_292-b10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.292-b10, mixed mode)
and at first glance lein works properly. Tomorrow I can test it better.
Sounds like this is no longer a problem? We can reopen if more debugging is needed.
It sounds like it would be best to report this to Orchard's issue tracker then? I don't know if they'll be able to work around the problem, but perhaps at least they can give a more useful error message that would point people to the root cause of the problem.
there is a problem when I try to use leiningen on Gnu Guix. I believe something wrong with my setup, but I quite new in all: lein, clojure, java and guix worlds, so I need some help to mitigate the issue.
If I create a complete new project with
lein new app my-stuff
and thencd my-stuff; lein repl
I receive an error.Versions are:
Please, don't hesitate to ask if I can provide more data.