technomancy / nrepl-discover

proof-of-concept middleware for auto-discovery of nrepl ops
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Op names should be more specific #4

Open coventry opened 10 years ago

coventry commented 10 years ago

If nrepl-discover gets popular, it's going to end up with colliding op names. Including the ns containing the var and "nrepl-discover" in the name might be a good idea.

coventry commented 10 years ago

The main problem with my suggestion above is that it will result in unfriendly function names on the elisp side. Maybe ought to throw an exception or tell emacs to when there is name collision, though. Or maybe nrepl-discover should instead/as well, because there is also the risk of overwriting existing nrepl.el functions.

If we wanted to include namespaces in the names, I guess it would look something more like this (untested code.)

(defn ops []
  (into {"" #'discover}
        (for [n (all-ns)
              ;; Namespace symbols aren't necessarily translatable on
              ;; the emacs side.  E.g., (ns ?foo)
              :let [ns-str (->> n ns-name str
                                (replace Compiler/CHAR_MAP)
                                (apply str))]              
              [_ v] (ns-publics n)
              :when (:nrepl/op (meta v))]
          [(str ns-str (:name (:nrepl/op (meta v))))) v])))```