Closed guns closed 11 years ago
Missing require-as libspecs are sorted by last-segment-matches?
(ns foo)
Previously this would produce the ns form
(ns foo
(:require [clojure.set :as string]))
since clojure.set has a var named join and it is shorter than clojure.string.
If the user's require-as matches the last segment of the fully qualified lib, then that require-as takes precedence. In the above example, [clojure.string :as string]
would be preferred.
Sorry for the delay here. Thanks for the patches and the nice tests and descriptions that made them really easy to understand! I just released version 1.4.0 with these improvements.
Thanks @technomancy! I knew you'd get to these patches in time.
This branch fixes an issue where slamhound chooses the wrong :require-as libspec when two namespaces contain the same var:
Running slamhound on alpha/core.clj produces the erroneous ns form:
This is due to
erroneously returning a true value for the candidate[alpha.beta :as gamma]
with the original requires above.Matching the full candidate against a regular set of fully qualified symbols and libspecs avoids this error, assuming the candidate is a regular, fully qualified libspec itself.
The commit messages go into a little more detail if this is a bit unclear.
This branch also addresses issue #35, at least @kenrestivo's second comment about slamhound not respecting the original requires. I couldn't reproduce his initial example.
Please tell me if you would like me to squash the branch into a single commit or if you would like to see any changes.
Cheers, Sung Pae