technomancy / swank-clojure

Swank/slime support for clojure
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Lose clojure.core/doc in 1.3.0 alpha >= 4 #45

Closed ejackson closed 13 years ago

ejackson commented 13 years ago

When using clojure 1.3.0alpha n, where n >= 4 I cannot use (doc foo) at the repl in slime. At the main repl (mvn clojure:repl) it is present. Where n<4 it functions correctly.

The error is:

Unable to resolve symbol: doc in this context [Thrown class java.lang.Exception]

jneira commented 13 years ago

Hi! i have the same problem in my windows vista with lein 1.5.2 and swank-clojure 1.3.1 It seems clojure-repl namespace is not loaded, if you (use `clojure.repl) you get access to doc,find-doc,source,etc thanks

bsteuber commented 13 years ago

This has nothing to do with swank - clojure's user-namespace just doesn't include it anymore. With leiningen 1.6.0, you can add a file ~/.lein/user.clj containing (use 'clojure.repl) (use ' which will now be available in your user-namespace.

jneira commented 13 years ago

ok , i didnt know about this change, thanks for the tip!

ejackson commented 13 years ago

me either, thanks.