technomancy / swank-clojure

Swank/slime support for clojure
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Issue with both 'clojure-jack-in' and 'lein swank' #53

Closed jamiltron closed 13 years ago

jamiltron commented 13 years ago

Hello, I previously had swank-clojure working, but since having tried the 'clojure-jack-in' method, I found that it emacs (23.3.1) stated it was starting the swank-server, but would just sit there indefinetely.

Having tried this, when I attempted to go back to using 'lein swank', after I tell emacs to 'slime-connect' I get a usual "repl connected" type message, but none of my buffers switch to a repl, nor are there any selectable buffers that contain a repl.

Perhaps something is wrong with my emacs, but I have tried this with a relatively minimal .emacs setup, just in case.

Any help is appreciated, thank you!

technomancy commented 13 years ago

Most of the problems people have had so far are from mixing multiple versions of swank-clojure. Can you make sure you've got only 1.3.1 in ~/.lein-plugins and project.clj?

jamiltron commented 13 years ago

Oops, had multiple version in there. Removing those extra versions fixed it. Thank you very much!